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I quietly packed my bags once more as Tony had ordered us all to return home. After being gone for almost eight months, Tony was freaking out over my return specifically. I smiled, zipping up my bags and lifting them from the bed before exiting the room that I would hopefully never have to see ever again.

"Do you have everything?" Loki asked, taking a bag from me as we stepped into the jet.

I nodded but felt a guilt as if I had just lied to him. I had everything, but something was missing. Some part of myself has disappeared after the months of torture. I was quieter, less talkative, sarcastic and I saddened at the thought that I was the only one to notice this change. I had a part of me taken from me and I wanted it back. But, was Sam this part of me? Could she have really been something like my other half? The part of me that made me....ME?

Suddenly, my hands made their way to my stomach and I gasped. Everyone looked at me before quickly looking away and frowning. Loki looked at the floor and said nothing.

"Did I lose it?" I asked in a panic. What else could it be? There was no way that I had given birth and not remembered it. And I was way past due by now. How could I have forgotten? Was my mind truly so entranced in my pain that I had abandoned my unborn child?

"The ice chamber...it...it didn't slow the pregnancy and..." Aodh paused and sighed. "The baby has been at the tower for a few weeks now."

I looked at Loki quickly. "Did you know?"

He slowly nodded, still staring at the floor. He smiled and stood in front of me. He held out his hand for me to take and I took it, allowing him to lift me from my seat.

"We have a daughter, Aidan." Loki chuckled, tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. "She's so beautiful."

"Take us there." I whispered, clinging to Loki just before he made us appear in front of Stark Tower. I quickly entered the building, sprinting up the stairs to the correct floor. Tony sat in the foyer, a small crib sat a few feet away from the sofa and I smiled, looking to Loki.

He nodded, taking my hand in his own. "Come meet our baby girl."


"Breean." I smiled, looking up at Loki as I held our child close. "It means she who is strong and virtuous. At least that's what the internet told me."

Loki nodded. "It's perfect. Breean Murray."

"What about a middle name?" I asked.

"Lee." Loki chuckled. "I like Breean Lee."

"Me too." I smiled, gently caressing Breean's small, soft cheek as she slept in my arms. "You know, I'm still a little mad that you didn't tell me right away."

"We wanted you to recover before throwing something else at you." Loki explained, draping an arm over my shoulder as he sat closer to me. He reached down, resting his hand on Breean's little legs. "It doesn't seem real, does it?"

I shook my head. "No. But it is. We're parents...God that's kind of a scary thought."

Loki laughed, rubbing my shoulder. "A little bit, yes."

Natasha entered the room and spoke quietly. "Aidan, can I talk to you?"

I nodded, carefully placing Breean into Loki's arms before standing and following Natasha into the other room.

"What is it?" I asked, tucking my hands into my pockets.

"Are you two planning on getting married?" Natasha questioned. "Have you even said I love you yet?"

"Why are you so worried about it?"

"Because you have a kid!" Natasha raised her voice in frustration.

"We're just fine the way we are now, Natasha." I sighed. "I appreciate the concern but don't worry about it. Don't stress over something that isn't worth being upset over."

I walked away before Natasha could reply, making my way back into the foyer. Loki was gently placing Breean in her crib as I entered the room. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled weakly in return, thinking about what Natasha had said.

Was she right to be so worried? Was it not normal for us to have a child and never having said three words to each other? And marriage was completely out of the question, right?

"Aidan, you okay?" Loki chuckled. "You zoned out for a second there."

I smiled. "I'm alright. Just thinking."

"What about?" Loki asked curiously, pulling me close to him as we stood.

I sighed, staring at Loki's chest and biting my lip. "Nat keeps asking about us getting married...and..."

"And?" Loki pushed.

"She's concerned." I paused, thinking about my choice of words. I shook my head. "Just forget it."

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now