<7> Loki's P.O.V

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"Dammit." I sighed, sitting on the sofa. I tucked my head in my hands.

"What's going on?" Steve asked worriedly. "What was that loud noise? Is everything alright?"

"It's fine, Cap." I exhaled shakily. "Just a little argument."

Steve sat next to me. "You and Aidan?"

I nodded. "I lost my temper. Broke a glass."

Steve sighed. "What was it about? If you don't mind my asking."

"Aidan's keeping something from me." I huffed. "Something about someone named Sam."

"Sam as in Falcon?" Steve asked. "Or a different Sam?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, Steve. That's why we argued in the first place. Because she wouldn't tell me anything. You would think after all this time she would be honest with me about everything. Yet, here she is, locked in her room and not telling me anything."

"Just give her time, Loki." Steve patted my shoulder. "She'll come around just like always."

I nodded and stood. "Maybe."

"Where're you going?" Steve asked, watching as I made my way towards the elevator.

"Listen, Cap." I chuckled. "It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just....I don't love them."

Steve said nothing as I entered the elevator. I pressed the button for the basement and that's where I stayed for days, letting out all of my anger on the indestructible concrete walls.


"Are you done trying to destroy the towers foundation?" Tony asked sarcastically, crossing his arms.

I breathed heavily, looking at Tony. I wiped my forehead and chuckled.

"Nice to see that you're not worried about me."

"If I'm perfectly honest here..." Tony rubbed the back of his neck. "That's exactly why I came down. I noticed that you and Aidan haven't been around for the past few days. What's going on?"

I sighed, taking a seat on the floor with my back leaning against the wall. "We had an argument. I got angry, broke a glass and Aidan locked herself in the bedroom. I've been down here ever since."

Tony nodded. "Cap said it was about someone named Sam?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She won't tell me anything. Apparently she isn't as honest as I thought."

"Hey." Tony spat. "She's a lot better than she was. So don't go talking bad about her because she's not telling you something. This is obviously scary to her or something."

I glared at him, slowly standing up. "I have shared just about every single scary moment of my life with her and then some. I have shown parts of me that even my own mother had never seen. So excuse me for being a bit upset that she's not doing the same."

"It's always about you. Isn't it?" Tony scoffed. "Typical."

"This is about both Aidan and myself. This is about our relationship. And no one asked you to butt in!"

"Sorry for caring!" Tony shouted, entering the elevator and leaving.

So you're suspicious of me?

I froze, my muscles tensing at the sound of Aidan's voice in my head.


So you think I'm cheating or something?


The fact that you even thought I could ever do something like that is just....

Aidan, I never said that!

Fuck you, Loki.

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now