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"Are you ready?" Aodh asked as he tightened the straps that restrained me to the chair once more. I nodded, adjusting the rubber gag in my mouth and closing my eyes, preparing myself for the pain that was about to come.

"I'm sorry, Aidan." Steve's voice was quiet as he spoke. The loud sound of the switch following after.

"Mhmpf!" My screams of pain were muffled from the gag as the excruciating pain ran through my entire body. Just like it had so long ago. Steve flipped the switch again and I sighed in relief, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"These words will make you your own person." Aodh spoke, his eyes glued to the pages of the small book that Alois had given us. "Sam will cease to exist and will have no power once these words are spoken." Aodh looked at Steve and nodded. He flipped the switch again, the pain almost paralyzing me once more.

I screamed again, spit flying from my mouth and sweat dripping down my face. I pulled against my restraints as hard as I could but they didn't budge. Aodh knew to tighten them as much as they could be tightened. The switch was flipped again and Aodh repeated the same statement again.

For what felt like ages, the process of agonizing pain and the repetition of the same statement repeated itself over and over again. Each time worse than the last. Finally, the day came to an end and I was unstrapped from the chair, only to be put in the same ice chamber that I had been frozen inside for over 20 years.

Steve's face was full of sorrow as Aodh activated the chamber. The last thing I saw was Aodh swiping away what could only have been a tear.


My vision was blurred as well as my hearing once I was pulled from the ice chamber. Quickly, I was placed back into the metal chair, strapped down and gagged. Once I recovered from being in the ice, I gasped for air and pulled against the restraints again, still failing to free myself.

I now remembered why I never wanted to come here again. And now, I had to relive everything.

"Mmfh!" I groaned as Aodh wasted no time in flipping the switch on, off and then speaking. This time, it was a new set of commands.

"These words will erase every fragment of Sam." He still hadn't dared to make eye contact with me as he read. "Sam will cease to exist once these words are spoken."

I screamed in pain, sighed in relief and listened to Aodh continue to repeat himself. The same process continued all day. Days felt like an eternity, minutes felt like days, and seconds felt like hell.


I had heard nothing from Loki, Natasha or Steve for the rest of the week. Months passed and I only saw them on what was to be my last days in the facility. Aodh had to do everything himself. And so, I laid back, strapped to the chair and gagged just like always. This time, everyone stood in front of me and watched as the final bits of the process began.

"Chamber. Isolation. Exile. Exterminate. Locksmith. Black." Aodh spoke loudly once the switch was on. It was flipped off and he repeated the two statements again before continuing that same process.

I noticed, each time I had the chance to open my eyes, that everyone had tears staining their cheeks and their eyes seemed to be almost permanently red and puffy. I cried with them each time the switch was flipped on and off. Each time the same words and statements were spoken, I could feel myself shed more tears. As I watched the strongest people I had ever met cry, it drove me slightly insane and I began to laugh as the pain coursed through my veins. The pain having almost become part of me in the most sick and twisted way possible.

"Aodh, wait." Steve walked to Aodh and spoke quietly to him. The switch was flipped off and the two men approached me. "Aidan are you alright?"

Aodh leaned forward and removed the gag from my mouth. I gasped for a proper breath as he did.

"Keep going." I whispered. "It's working and we can't stop now. We have to finish this."

"You were laughing." Aodh stated.

"That was Sam trying to come out." I swallowed and smiled. "She's losing and she knows it."

Aodh nodded, returning the gag and making his way back to the switch.


I awoke suddenly, my eyes shooting wide open and my lungs begging for air. As I calmed down, I struggled to look around the room as I was restrained to a small cot. I sighed, seeing as I was in the old building again. Only I didn't recognize the room. It was smaller than the others and it had only one small window.

They put me in the goddamn attic.

I sighed adjusting myself as much as I could.


Aidan, are you okay?

I feel fine other than I'm starving and want to take a shower.

I'm coming to get you now.

I smiled as Loki came into my view. He quickly unstrapped me and picked me up from the bed. We vanished and quickly appeared in the bathroom. Loki sat me on the edge of the sink before turning on the water and starting the shower.

"I'll make you something to eat while you shower." Loki froze, seeing as I had already removed my shirt. He blushed and stood in front of me. He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and examined my temples. "They're bruised."

I turned to look at myself in the mirror. My temples were more than bruised, they were burnt from the electricity and would more than likely scar. My wrists were also red and raw from my struggles and the bags under my eyes were big enough to carry things like an actual bag could.

God I look terrible...

"You're beautiful." Loki whispered, pulling my attention back to him.

I shook my head. "Hardly so."

Loki pulled me into a hug and sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything. I'm sorry I wasn't with you...I just..just..."

"Hey." I smiled, pushing Loki away so I could look him in the eye. "I understand."

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now