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"So, Aodh, is it?" Steve asked awkwardly as we all sat in the foyer.

Aodh nodded, taking a large chug of his drink. "Yup. And you're Steve?"

"Yeah." Steve smiled. "So you and Aidan are actually related?"

"Yup." Aodh nodded, pulling something out of his pocket. It was a dark green box. He opened it and pulled out a....cigarette. Aodh placed it in between his lips before pulling out a lighter.

"You smoke?" I asked. Aodh nodded as he lit the cigarette.

"Want one?" He asked, blowing the smoke into the air.

"No thanks." I shook my head.

"Do you mind smoking out on the balcony?" Tony asked. "Not that I'm against it, despite them causing cancer and stuff. I just had the ceilings repainted not that long ago."

Aodh shrugged and stood, walking out to the balcony. Steve followed behind him and closed the glass doors that led to outside. I laughed, watching as the two men talked back and forth. Steve actually taking a cigarette from Aodh and smiling.

You don't think they're actually hitting it off, do you?

Why wouldn't they?

They're two completely different people. From what I can tell.

Loki chuckled, pulling me closer to him on the sofa.

"Are you two ever going to get married?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms. "Or are you just going to talk to each other telepathically forever?"

I looked up at Loki and shrugged. "What's the rush? Marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper here on Earth anyways. And it's a huge step that takes time."

Loki nodded in agreement.

"Aidan, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Natasha asked before dragging me into the kitchen behind her.

"What?" I huffed, pulling out of Natasha's grasp.

"Have you told him you loved him?" Natasha spoke quietly. "And has he told you that he loves you?"

I stared down at her and shook my head. "Does it matter?"

"Yes!" Natasha exclaimed loudly. She cleared her throat and spoke quietly once more. "Yes. It does matter. You two have been together for almost two years and you haven't even said I love you. That's kind of crazy."

"Well." I sighed. "I do feel for him. A-and he feels for me. I just don't know if it's love or whatever."

"Or whatever?" Natasha scoffed. "You both are so stubborn."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "We just don't want to say something if it isn't true!"

"Well is it true?" Natasha asked. "Do you love him?"

"I..." I sighed, shaking my head and saying nothing as I walked out of the kitchen. I made my way towards my old room, ignoring both Tony and Loki as they spoke. I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me. I threw myself onto the bed. The mattress muffling my sobs. "Damnit!"

I spent the rest of the night in my room, thinking about everything.


I rolled over as I woke up. Loki must have snuck into the bed in the middle of the night. He laid facing away from me on his side with his legs bent as if he was cold. I smiled and covered him with the blanket. I reached over and kissed his temple before getting up from the bed. I quietly stepped from the bedroom and closed the door behind me.

"You're up early." Aodh spoke as I stepped into the kitchen. I smiled and nodded.

"Early to bed, early to rise." I chuckled, making myself a cup of tea. "Didn't think that you would be up so early, though."

Aodh hummed as he sipped his drink. "Haven't been to sleep."

"Up all night?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Seems right."

"Hey." Aodh defended. "Wasn't my fault."

"Then who's was it?" I scoffed when he said nothing. "Keeping secrets?"

Aodh shrugged. "For now."

"Good morning, Aidan." Steve greeted as he entered the room. "Aodh."

Aodh smiled and nodded. "Steve."

I looked between the two. "Did you two?"

"Stay up all night talking about the 40's?" Aodh finished. "Yes we did."

I raised a brow. "The 40's?"

"Great weren't they?" Aodh sighed happily. "Wish I could go back."

Steve nodded. "I feel that."

"The 40's weren't that great." I chuckled. "But the 60's...those were the good time's."

Aodh scoffed. "The 60's? How basic."

"Um, basic is liking the war times because you like the style. History, brother."

"I fought in the war you little shit." Aodh hissed. "Don't tell me about history."

I crossed my arms. "You fought?"

Aodh nodded.

"So did I." I smirked. "I was one of the first female officer's. I wasn't legal but I was there."

Steve nodded and smiled. "Impressive."

"The 60's were still better." I mumbled as I walked out of the kitchen.

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now