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I quickly packed a small bag of my belongings and threw the bag over my shoulder, wiping the tears from my eyes. I whipped the bedroom door open and stomped to the elevator. Loki stood on the other side of the doors.


"Don't." I interrupted, heading towards the emergency stairwell. Of course, Loki followed right behind me.

"Aidan, will you please just let me explain?" Loki asked, quickly following me as I stomped down the stairs.

"No!" I shouted, breathing heavily. "Did you forget that I can hear your thoughts?"

"I never said you were cheating!" Loki defended. "I simply said I was suspicious as to why you weren't telling me who Sam was!"

I stopped walking at the end one of one of the many flights, catching my breath. Loki stood on the stairs, breathing heavily as well.

"I know you've shared a lot with me." I panted, leaning against the wall. "But I've shared a lot with you as well. This is just....different. We've all got one thing that we feel we can't tell anyone. I know you have a few of those too. But I am not cheating on you. I could never. Would never. I just need you to trust me."

Loki nodded. "I do trust you, Aidan. I just...I just want to help."

"Then trust me when I say that you need to stay away from me. There's nothing you can do to help and that's the ugly truth." I sighed. "Just know that I'll be back soon and Cap will too."

With that, I finished my journey down the stairs, making my way outside and getting into the car that had been waiting on me. I put up my mental barrier as Steve spoke to me.

"What took so long?" He asked, driving away from the tower. I watched as it grew smaller in the rearview mirror.

"Loki." I sighed. "I think I just messed everything up..."

"No you didn't, kid." Steve smiled reassuringly. "He'll understand once this is all over and done with."

"Will he?" I questioned, leaning back against my seat. I jumped and turned as I saw someone in my peripherals. "Aodh? And who the hell are you?"

"Hey, sis." Aodh smiled.

"That's Bucky." Steve explained. "He's here to help."

I nodded, reaching out my hand the best I could. "I'm Aidan."

Bucky returned the gesture. "Bucky. Nice to meet the girl I've heard so much about."

I smiled, glancing down at Bucky's arm. "Nice arm."

"Thanks." He chuckled. "I see what you mean, Steve."

I raised a brow, turning back around in my seat.

"I told him how sarcastic you can be." Steve explained. "And how casual you are. You're outgoing, you know."

"You're right." I nodded. "But I wasn't being sarcastic about the arm. It really is cool."

Steve smiled, glancing back at Bucky and Aodh. "You two look like brothers."

I looked back, laughing as the two looked at each other. "Wow. They really do."

"If we were related that means he'd be your brother too." Aodh rolled his eyes.

"I would be fine with that." I shrugged. "Brother with a badass metal arm? Hell yeah."

Bucky chuckled, crossing his arms. "I like her."

"So where are we going again?" I asked, looking at Steve.

Steve sighed, glancing back at Bucky once more. "Germany."


"So where were you?" I asked, standing next to Aodh on the roof of the building. We had been in Germany for three days, staying in an old hotel building in the middle of a practically abandoned town.

Aodh exhaled, watching the smoke drifting away. "Prison."

"You said you were in exile." I crossed my arms, watching as Aodh continued to smoke his cigarette. He shrugged, throwing out the filter.

"I lied. Ironically enough, I was in Asgard. Tried to steal from Odin."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Sounds about right."

"I was a child back then." He said. "Around your age I think. How old are you?"

"226." I sighed. "Almost 227."

"Yup." He nodded. "I was imprisoned back when I was 300 years old."

"And that made you a child?" I asked, looking up at him.

He nodded. "Yup. Mom and dad didn't really parent me that well. Frigga was more of a mother to me than our actual mother was. She made sure I got an education and she stayed by my side the entire time I was in that damned dungeon."

I smiled, looking down at my feet. "She was a good woman."

"Loki talked about her?"

I nodded. "Yeah...he really misses her."

"So do I." Aodh frowned.

I patted his shoulder and smiled. "It'll be okay."

Aodh nodded. "I'm sorry I wasn't around. I really wish I could've watched you grow up. I mean...I kind of did. If just knowing that you were alive means anything."

"No you don't. Growing up for me was like going through hell and back. Not a pretty sight at all."

"Who raised you?"

"I raised myself. And up until almost three years ago, I was breaking every law in the book just to survive. I was a criminal. A thug."

Aodh said nothing as we both watched the sun descend. I crossed my arms, shivering as the breeze hit me. Aodh quickly took off his leather jacket and draped it over my shoulders.

"Thank you." I smiled, sliding my arms into the sleeves. I hummed in contentment as the heavy leather warmed me.

"So do you really think that being here will help you with Sam?" Aodh asked. "I mean...she hasn't come out that much."

"It's been three times." I huffed. "Three times too many. And I can tell that she's planning something. She's going to come out again."

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin