<11> Aodh's P.O.V

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"Aidan." I spoke, slowly stepping towards her. She whipped her head my way and grinned evilly.

"Aidan is gone." She laughed as she stood from the chair. "She won't be back for a while."

"Sam, right?" Bucky asked, crossing his arms. He took a few steps forward as she looked my way again. I knew what he was planning and I nodded slightly as he glanced at me.

"That's me." Sam prided. "And who are you?"

"My name's Aodh." I spoke. "Aidan's brother. This here's Bucky and that's Steve. They're friends of Aidan's."

"So you're the ones trying to get rid of me, right? Typical Aidan. She doesn't see the bright side of things." Sam scoffed. "She's only told you of the bad I have done. I'm the best thing that has ever happened to her."

"And how is that?" Steve asked, gathering Sam's attention.

Bucky and I both swiftly stepped behind Sam, preparing to grab her.

"I have saved her multiple times from idiotic things that she has done!" Sam spat, moving to approach Steve.

Quickly, Bucky and I grabbed her arms and pushed her into the chair.

"Steve, straps!" I shouted, holding down Sam as she struggled to get free. She was strong.

Steve quickly strapped her arms and hands down. We let go and did the same with her legs.

I breathed heavily, wiping my forehead. "Did you bring the paper?"

"No." Steve sighed. "Didn't think we would need it. Not right away, anyways. I'm sorry."

"Goddamnit." I groaned. "One of us has to go and get it. And I'm not leaving her."

"I'll go." Bucky said, pushing hair out of his face. "I can go and be back in and hour. Can you guys hold her for that long?"

I nodded. "Yes. Just hurry, please."


Bucky returned within half an hour. He breathed heavily as he handed Steve the papers. Steve nodded, reading the words to himself.

"Aodh." He sighed, handing me the paper. "You should do it."

I nodded and took the paper. I read over the words a few times before saying them aloud.

"Viola. Cherish. Captain. Army. Fire. Oval. Defuse." I sighed as Sam screamed, trying to drown out my voice. She soon stilled and her eyes closed. "Aidan?"

She gasped, quickly sitting up and pulling at the straps. She looked around frantically. "Did she hurt you?"

I shook my head. "We're all okay."

Aidan sighed. "Thank god."

"We should go." Steve spoke up, beginning to unlatch Aidan from the chair. Bucky helped her stand once her limbs were free.

"Shit I'm dizzy." Aidan groaned, leaning into Bucky. She gasped, looking forward. "Shit!"

"What is it?" Steve asked, quickly walking to her.

"Loki." She breathed. "My mental barrier came down."

"What's he saying?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Aidan chuckled. "He wants to know if I'm alright. Where I am. What happened. He must have heard Sam."

"Well did you answer him?" Steve questioned, raising a brow.

"Should I?" She asked, rolling her eyes as both Steve and I nodded our heads. "Alright. Just give me a minute alone."

I headed out of the room with Steve and Bucky following behind me.

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now