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"Aidan." Loki groaned. "Why am I up so early?"

"Shh!" I hissed, pulling Loki behind me. "Listen."

Loki put his ear up to the door of Aodh's room. Two laughing voices could he heard on the other side. Loki backed away and looked at me.

"Is that Aodh and Stark?" He asked quietly.

I pulled Loki away from the door. "More like Aodh and Steve."

"They've grown close these past few weeks." Loki chuckled. "Very close."

"I mean...yeah." I laughed. "Even if nothing else is going on it's still funny."

"Really." Loki smiled, placing his ear back to the door. His eyebrows raised as he listened closely.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"They're talking about you." Loki grinned.

"Me?" I scoffed.

Loki nodded. "Steve is telling Aodh about you."

I smiled lightly. "Like what?"

Loki held up a finger as he listened and he smiled widely.

"He's explaining all of your powers. And how much you've changed and grown. And how awesome you are."

I blushed, rolling my eyes. "Anything else?"

Loki said nothing as he held his position. His face filled with surprise before pulling away from the door.

"Mischief?" I placed a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?"

"He..." Loki grinned. "He told Aodh about me. About us. How great we are together....and how good I am to you. He said that I'm..."

"That you're what?" I asked, sliding my hand from his shoulder and to the side of his neck. I moved so that I stood in front of him. "Loki what did he say?"

"He said that I'm a good man."


"Loki, my man!" Aodh stumbled into the foyer. His words were slightly slurred as he spoke. "How's it goin?"

Loki chuckled awkwardly as Aodh sat extremely close to him. I covered my mouth, holding back a laugh and watched as Aodh wrapped his arms around Loki drunkenly.

"Man...Steve told me so much about you earlier." Aodh hiccupped, shaking Loki roughly. "He said how good you were to my sister. Is it true? You treating her right?"

Loki nodded. "I am."

"Good." Aodh pulled away from Loki. He stood from the sofa, almost falling as he did. "I would hate to have to kill you. But just know that I will if you ever hurt Sam."

"Sam?" Loki questioned.

I quickly stood and pulled Aodh out of the room. "I think that's enough chitchat for now!"

Aodh laughed as I threw him onto his bed, slamming the bedroom door behind me.

"How the hell do you know about Sam?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"I know Sam. I've kept my eye on you. But..." Aodh slurred and hiccupped. "Everyone knows Sam."

My eyes widened. "E-everyone?"

Aodh nodded and belched. "She's come out before."

I sat and thought for a moment. "That day in the cemetery. When I came back from the dead."

"Yup." Aodh giggled. "He saw Sam and didn't even know it."

"Don't tell him. Please."

Aodh drew an X on his chest with his finger. "Cross my heart and hope you don't rip it out."

I sighed, exiting Aodh's bedroom and walking into the kitchen. Loki was sitting on the counter, looking down at the glass in his hands.

"Who's Sam?" He asked, still staring at his glass.

I froze and said nothing. Loki placed his glass on the counter, finally looking up at me.

"Who's Sam?" He repeated with his eyes glued to mine as I still said nothing. Loki's brows furrowed in annoyance. "Who's Sam!" Loki swung his arm, throwing the glass across the room. It hit the floor, shattering into tiny pieces.

I flinched, quickly covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Aidan." Loki spoke softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pushed him away, taking a few steps back.

"Don't touch me." I shook my head, running out of the kitchen. I locked my bedroom door behind me once I entered.

"Aidan, open the door." Loki said from the other side. "Let me in."

I sat on the floor as far away from the door as I could be. "Go away!"

"Aidan, I'm sorry." Loki sighed. "Just let me in. Talk to me."

"I said go away!" I yelled, hugging my legs against my chest.

Silence followed my words as well as footsteps. After that, I stayed in my room for I don't know how long.

Villains Again // Loki X OC pt.2 {Edited} Where stories live. Discover now