Military; Beecher.

Start from the beginning

"I offered to teach you something." Beecher said, "Don't blame me for being as good as you could had been."

"Can anyone be as good as you?!" Someone else asked.

"If you were willing to give it a try maybe." Beecher said.

Adams was relatively pleased with Beecher, everything Adams gave him he did, he even broke up a fight between two people without causing any problems, soon everyone was allowed to go off and do their own thing, Beecher left quickly and no one saw him for the rest of the night.

For two days Etrius and the others kind of looked for him, Etrius wanted to ask him who taught him to shoot but couldn't get a hold of him, soon he went around a corner during a break and saw Beecher was alone leaning against a wall, he immediantly went over to him.

"Who taught you to shoot?" Etrius asked.

Beecher looked over at him.

"A friend." He replied, "She taught me everything I know now."

Etrius was quiet.

"Let me see something." He said.

Beecher puled off his gun and quickly flicked the safety off and aimed through the scope, he then shot, he quickly flipped the safety on and hid behind a wall, Etrius looked to see a sargent walking over.

"Etrius I swear!" He shouted.

"I know you do." Etrius said, "I'm sure one's coming out soon."

"Don't get smart with me, you ass!" He shouted.

"Told you so." Etrius said as he looked towards Beecher.

The sargent glared at him.

"I'll have Adams deal with you later!" He said sternly.

He walked away, Etrius looked back at Beecher.

"Sorry." Beecher said, "I've gotten used to hiding when in trouble."

"I don't care." Etrius said, "Adams won't do anything to me."

Beecher just nodded as he came out of hiding and put the gun back on his back.

"What did you hit?" Etrius asked.

"I shot the drink out of his hand." Beecher said, "I got a nice shot through the bottom."

Etrius nodded.

"Etrius!" Boomer shouted as he ran over.

"What's going on?" Etrius asked.

"Lloyd said he saw Sargent Clark talking with Adams and he looked pissed, Adams' looking for you now." Boomer said.

"Where is he?" Etrius asked.

Boomer began to lead him off as Beecher continued to do his own thing.

Later that day after dinner Beecher disappeared again, he was standing on top of a storage container, he was staring at another one that was about seven feet away from the one he was standing on, he began to take a few steps back until he reached the edge, he bolted forword, at the edge he used his legs to push himself forword at high speeds, he overshot the other container.

"Shit!" Beecher shouted as he tried to catch himself.

He hit the ground and ended up rolling slightly, he then laid there for awhile.

"What the hell was that about?" Boomer asked as he looked down at him.

"None of your business." Beecher said as he sat up.

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