We sat there for a moment before his head shot up. He straightened his posture, sitting bolt upright. This caused my arm to fall to my side.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Did you see that?" He asked. "A bright light. It appeared in the corner of the woods near the canoe lake."

"What do you think it was?" I asked, knowing better than to question his instinct. We rushed towards it. It was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.

"Not good," he mumbled. "Let's go."

His features became clearer still.

We were running now.

Him and I stood behind a tree as we approached the area. We could hear voices.

"I know Will and Nico went out to the canoe lake," he whispered. "I hope they're okay."

Will and Nico?

We glanced towards the lake. I spotted a canoe in the center, the two boys sat in it together, inches apart.

"Nico will kill you if he find out you saw his first kiss," I whispered. He nudged me.

"The light appeared over there," he said. He pointed west. "Let's leave them be, we need to check out that light just to make sure that everything's okay."

I followed him as he took off towards the light. Again, we hid behind a tree. We heard voices.

I felt somebody tap me on the shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my shoes when I realized it was Leo.

"I keep forgetting that you came back with Calypso last week," I mumbled. "Every time I see you it's like I'm seeing a ghost."

"Nice to see you too, Pipes," Leo whispered. "Let me guess, you two saw that light too?"

"Shh," Jason said. "Quiet, you two. I can't hear."

I could make out a familiar voice in the distance.

"Two out of seven," the voice sneered. "And my favorite two as well! You know, I always admired Poseidon and Athena. Too bad they were never too keen on holding onto a friendship with me." The voice spoke.

"Gee, I wonder why." A voice mumbled. I knew that voice, it was the voice of Percy Jackson.

As we approached closer I could see them. A woman had Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase trapped. She appeared to be some sort of goddess, I figured, going off of Annabeth's theory about Greek and Roman gods. Percy and Annabeth were both pinned to the ground with the sheer power of her godly light.

"Two out of seven, and the rest will show up soon! I knew you would all jump at the first sign of danger, especially given your recent war with Gaea. It's only natural god be cautious. I knew all I had to do was summon a wee bit of light and you would come like moths."

"Great," Leo whispered. "It's a trap. It's always a trap."

"Shh!" The boy and I said. I could see the color of his eyes now, electric blue.

I saw others in the distance approaching. I could recognize that height anywhere, it was Frank Zhang. Accompanying him was none other than Hazel Levesque. They seemed to have received the signal as well. Their expressions very clearly said, 'oh shit.'

"We'll turn around and inform Chiron," I whispered. "Whatever Hera is up to, I don't want to find out. We can stop her before she does whatever she's planning. We'll come back and fight. She's obviously expecting us. We'll take her by surprise by being prepared." I whispered.

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