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Nico is confused. He wakes up, an orphan, who some refer to as the next Harry Potter. Homeschooled as a wizard his whole life, Nico is now taken in by a new family and forced to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While the situation would be a mess for anybody, it's even worse for Nico. He can't remember much about his life before the fire.
He doesn't know who he really is, but he knows this isn't it.

Leo is jealous. Him and his best friend through all of Hogwarts had been inseparable, until last year, when she'd started to hang around the infamous Draco Malfoy. But in the midst of getting her off of this dark path she's heading down, Leo gets pulled into a mystery as he discovers a strange ability. Now he must answer, where did this ability come from, who else had woken up with such abilities, and who was Calypso; why couldn't he get that name out of his head?

Piper is frustrated. The people around her are constantly telling her which path is best for her. She wishes to discover what defines her own destiny, and what she wishes that destiny to be. But as she tries to answer these questions, she discovers her own voice in a way she doesn't quite understand. She is conflicted, for what should she use this voice for—good, or bad?

Jason is lonely, an introvert. While he doesn't wish to let anybody in, it gets especially hard around full moons. A wise man who had once been in his place gives him the advice to let somebody in, but the only person knocking is the most annoying boy in all of Gryffindor house. Jason wonders what risks would come if he allows this boy to be his friend. Before Jason could decide he was better off alone, he discovers they may have more in common than what he had initially thought, judging by the similar marks on their arms. What do these markings mean, and who else had them? These are the questions they set out to answer.

Percy is realizing something. Hogwarts is changing, and he's changing with it. The place doesn't feel like much of a home anymore, it feels like a mystery that he and a few unlikely allies will set out to solve. His newly discovered ability not only develops a new sense of who he is, but it introduces him to two students who make Percy realize that he wasn't the only one noticing these changes.

Annabeth is overwhelmed. Why, suddenly, had it become so difficult for her to focus in class? What did the dreams she was having really mean? And worst of all, why did McGonagall allow Percy Jackson, the most obnoxious boy in all of her year, to be a prefect?

Frank is busy. As a prefect, he has a duty to the students in his house. But how could he take on such a responsibility when he's distracted by his newfound ability, his strange dreams, and trapped in the midst of a love triangle?

Will is distracted. He wants his fifth year of Hogwarts to be the same as any other, but all of that changes when he locks eyes with a strange boy at the feast. Now, not only is he forced to question his glowing hands and odd visions, but he is also wondering, what's the deal with that Di Angelo kid—why does he seem so familiar?

Hazel is out of place. She suddenly feels odd hanging around her usual friends in the Hufflepuff House, but that's not all that makes her feel so abnormal. With Trelawney accusing Hazel of being some chosen one, a strange new pet, and the woman in her dreams calling on her name for help, Hazel realizes that this out of place feeling isn't just a feeling—she knows she doesn't belong.

Harry's head hurts—and it isn't just from his scar. When he crosses paths with the supposed new Harry Potter, the boys discover something big, something that can change everything. It is their job to confirm their suspicions, find all of those who are involved, and bring them all together so they can defeat whatever force is out there, so they can return home.

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