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My last point of view is boring, but at least it's slightly sentimental
FRANK: As Hazel's memories were being returned, I couldn't help but feel a bit selfish. Returning those memories would mean Hera was giving us all back the hardships we had undoubtably endured. I could see in Jason's cold eyes that it wasn't something I should be excited about getting back. But as Hera's light appeared in the room again and Hazel's life was being returned to her, all I could think to myself was please...please, gods. Please let us be a couple.

Hazel opened her eyes and we all stared at her. She glanced at Nico first.

"Huh," she mumbled. "We've aged pretty well."

"Huh?" Nico raised an eyebrow.

Hazel sighed.

"You'll understand when you get your memories returned. You and I have quite a history." Hazel said.

She turned to me with a smile. I felt myself blushing.

"Thank the gods..." I mumbled as she ran up to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Awe, love!" Apollo exclaimed. "So sweet, isn't it Pluto? Seeing your daughter so happy..."

Pluto nodded towards me.

"So rarely are my children happy. And when they are, they're too busy getting their memories changed or getting thrown into quests that it is short lived." Pluto shot a glare towards Juno—or Hera, whichever one she was right now. She was kind of a mixture of both at the moment.

"Next up," her eyes fell upon me. "Since there will be no volunteers, child of Mars."

I was nervous, no doubt.

"Please, when you restore my memories, feel free to hold on the embarrassing moments. I'm sure there are plenty." I suggested. That got a weak laugh out of Leo, who seemed too nervous to joke right now. I don't know if it was the fear of being in the presences of gods, or if it was the fear of regaining knowledge of our past life, but everybody seemed pretty on edge.

I hoped I wouldn't change. I liked who I was, I'll admit. In this life, I had a best friend, Will. I had a girl of interest, Hazel. I had decent morals and a decent reputation. I wondered what my real life held for me.

As Hera's light appeared, I began to see into my past life.

First I saw a girl. She was strong, no doubt. Within her eyes you could see that she had endured a lot. But still, she was beautiful.

I saw a younger version of myself, a much, much younger version. The woman held her hands out and I fell into her hands, having taken my first steps.

"You did it, Frankie! Oh, my strong, strong boy." My mom spoke.

"Now it's his first steps, tomorrow it'll be his first win in combat. I see it now, he'll be a fighter like his mom." An older woman spoke.

"Shush, ma. Whatever it is he'll be, he will be great at it." My mom spoke.

Hera, Juno, whomever she was right now didn't matter. She was the goddess of family, among other things. And though she wasn't known for the kindest, most selfless acts, she had just given me an old memory with my family that I had let slip from my mind over the years. It was something that happened when I was so young, I couldn't remember it if I tried.

I didn't doubt that when our memories would be later altered, I would forget about this again. But still, it was nice to enjoy in the moment.

More memories came back in the blink of an eye. It felt like I had been gone for years, but it reality it was only a few seconds.

When I opened my eyes, I was Frank Zhang, the real Frank Zhang. Sure, I was a bit awkward. I was hesitant, sensitive, dorky, and a slight-bit uncoordinated. But above all, I had what I had hoped to hold onto: good morals, and good friends.

It hurt a bit to realize that in my real life, I wasn't best friends with Will Solace, we were mere acquaintances. But I still had Hazel, Reyna, and Jason.

I only wished we would be able to hold onto our Hogwarts memories. That way, I could work on a friendship with Will, even Leo. Though Leo annoyed me in my real life, he had been a good friend to me here. Him and I had been the original duo when we had discovered each other's powers.

"Frank?" Hazel spoke. I faced her. Hazel, my best friend, my girlfriend, my favorite person on this earth.

As I hugged her I couldn't help but hurt even more. She didn't deserve all of this, being a part of the gods' experiments. None of us did. She was loyal, fierce, smart, and her values were in order. What had she done to deserve any of the crap that had been given to us all of our lives?

"I have a question...why the stick?" I said. "A couple of weeks ago, I came across the room of requirement. I was thinking to myself, wondering what my powers meant, wondering just who I was...and the stick appeared on the table. Did you intend on that happening?" I asked.

With my memories returned, I knew what that stick meant now, and I knew what it was. Still, I didn't understand why the room had presented it to me.

"That had not been part of the plan," Hera admitted. "The room of requirement had a power of its own that gods and wizards alike can't seem to figure out."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

"As headmaster of this school, even I can admit that this room is something even I can't fully comprehend."

I shrugged it off and forced a smile as I faced Hazel.

"You and Chase aren't best friends. That's a strange fact to accept." I whispered. I was still speaking in a British accent, it was hard to break out of.

"Yeah, I know. And you and Will aren't inseparable. That's unusual." Hazel admitted. She had gotten the hang of the American thing more than I had.

"I wonder how the others are going to react." I said.

I thought about Percy, Nico, and Annabeth who had endured a lot more hell than any of us could handle—literally. The three of them had been through Tartarus. Annabeth had held up the sky. Percy had looked death in the eye on more than one occasion. Nico had lost a sister. Those are all things I wouldn't mind forgetting.

Hera, however, didn't seem like the most understanding god. She didn't spare any detail in my life, good or bad. She would do the same to them.

"Next up?" Hera asked.

Surprisingly, Leo volunteered.

"Give me your worst," he shrugged. "If Zhang can handle it, so can I."

He smirked towards me and I did the same back to him. We could get through this...whatever the future held, good or bad. This was just another memory. When we got back to camp it would be like we were waking up from a long, well-needed rest.

Who knows, maybe one day our Hogwarts memories would return. But I didn't doubt that there would be more quests and memories to come. That thought both alarmed and excited me.

Harry Potter and the Lost Half-Bloods. *1*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz