Part 39:

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Tyler's POV-

"Whoa that looks beautiful" Troye said pointing out at the lake. The sun had just started setting and it lit up the sky pinkish red which contrasted the blue water beautifully. "Let's take a picture!" He pulled me closer and snapped a picture right when he kissed my cheek. My blush was very prominent, making Troye giggle. I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him. He caught himself just as I started sprinting away.

Troyes POV-

I ran after him quickly. "I'm gonna get you Oakley!" I screamed. I heard him laugh loudly and round the corner. I quickened my pace and caught up to him. I tackled him and heard him shriek as we fell onto to grass. "Ugh!" I started laughing into his chest, "I I'm sorry!" He looked at me and then started laughing too.

Tyler's POV-

I started gasping for air. Troye sat up, "hey where are your glasses?" I stopped and touched my face. "I'm not sure! Help me find them?" "Of course!" He went to get up when I heard a snap. He gapped, "oh no." I looked under his elbow and saw my glasses. One of the lenses was cracked badly. He put his head in his hands, "I am so sorry!" "Babe it wasn't your fault. It was an accident! There under warranty anyway so I'll just get some new ones!" He looked back up at me, "I'll go with you." I smiled, "thanks. Oh and I'm kind of blind right now so will you help?" He chuckled, "alright! Come on!"

Troyes POV-

I helped him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck. "What are you thinking about?" I asked. "I'm thinking of you and I in Italy." I smiled, "I can't wait either." He raised up on his tip toes and kissed me. "Mmm" I pulled away, "did you get our plane tickets to go home tomorrow!?" He gasped, "shit! Let's go!"

The next day:

Tyler's POV-

"Thank you so much Ms. Oakley!" "Honey please call me Jackie!" She wrapped him in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around both of them, "we will visit again soon mom!" She nodded, "you better!" I grabbed my bag and Troyes hand. "Bye!" We said synchronzed as we boarded the plane.

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