25. Confession

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Please listen to Really by Song Joongki for a better experience 😁

Eunha entered the house with an awful and bitter feeling overwhelming her. She knew that it wasn't hurt or perhaps that wasn't what she think it was since as far as she could remember, she never liked her husband in a romantic way. And, don't even start to talk about love because as a 15 years old girl, she definitely experience nothing close to it.

She wasn't really sure what the feeling was but her heart now ached whenever she think of him.

She stepped into their bedroom. She stared onto the furnitures, the bed and the sofa. She will greatly miss them. Everything was good while it lasted. These few days, she felt as if she finally could accepted him and totally feel comfortable around him. Though it might sound strange, she surprisingly had even imagined herself spending the rest of her life with him, even as 15 years old her, in case she would never regain her memories back.

'He used to sleep there.' She thought as she look at the sofa.

'We used to stay up and talk for the whole night together.' She caressed the bed cover.

She took the large suitcase situated on the side of her bed and stacked every clothes that she could grab. She then opened one of the drawer and her eyes caught on the red book that was kept in it. She took the book and slip it into the front pocket of the bag. 

'I might need this as well.'

To be honest, from the day Jungkook handed her the diary until now, she wasn't giving any attention to the contents as she thought everything will be explained either by Jungkook or  her friends. Plus, she was too busy thinking about something else, that in actuality doesn't even matter as much as the dreadful nightmare was to her.

As she pulled her bag to the front door, she heard a sound from the door being unlocked. She stood still as a figure in front of her widened his eyes, puzzled by the situation.

Everything then went blur for her. She can't remember what she said or even the way she said it. The next thing that she realised was Jungkook shaking his head in dismay. 

"No... That cant possibly be me... I wouldn't-"

She blinked a few time, trying to process everything.

"Yes, it's you." She managed to said the words out loud.

"We were taking a stroll at a park happily when suddenly a hand appear." She shut her eyes deeply over the painful thought.


A confuse expression crossed Jungkook's face. He blinked as he inadvertently wait for Eunha to drop the bomb. She then opened her eyes and glared furiously at him.

"And, that girl's hand tugged you away, and you followed her! You freaking followed her, Jungkook!" She screamed her lung out.

"It's a nightmare Eunha! It's just a nightmare. What part of that sentence that you don't understand?"
"No! It was you who won't understand! I was begging for you, pleading so that you would stay but..." Her voice start to tremble and disappointment was well written on her face.

"You left."

Both of her eyes start to form a pool of tears and she gnawed on her lower lips to stop the tears from trickling down.

Jungkook looked away as he recognise the winced, pain expression. It was the same expression that Eunha had a month ago, a week prior to the accident. His lips pressed tight, and he shut his eyes for a moment.

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