2. Friend

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Umji continued to look at her history notes while trying to memorise all of them. The girl on her side, look at her in amusement. She then unknowingly claps her hand.

"Umji-ah. How come you can be so interested in History? I can never study this before my bed time. Or else, I'll fall asleep whenever I had a look at them!" She said while still clapping at the latter.

Umji shyly smile. She can't believe she just made a friend on her first day of high school. Her name was Jung Eunha and just like her face, she indeed has a beautiful personality. To think of it, Umji doesn't think there are other girls in her previous school who were able to accept the fact that she had a 7 naughty and crazy 'brothers' like she does. She smile at Eunha again and said,

"This is the note that I've been revising during the holiday. I found that it's necessary for you to have a note prior to the class so that you will understand better on the topics." She said gladly.

Eunha smiles back at her and pat the younger girl shoulder. "You're such a great student. I'm glad that you're my first friend in high school."

With that, Umji smile turns sweeter as she heard the word friend. 'I would do anything to protect this friendship.' She thought in her mind.


They quickly jogs to the school when they arrived.

"Damn. I thought I was early. But looking at the time, I don't think we'll make it if we walk gracefully like we used to." Namjoon said while looking at the boys.
"Well, it's because of your fault that Umji had to be late on her first day of school, Namjoon!" Yoongi said while catching his breath.
"But, hyung-" Namjoon tried to speak back but Jin cut him with his hand, signalling that they had no time for that.

There were just a few seconds before the morning assembly starts, as they manage to enter their school gates. All of them smile at the discipline teacher who was standing the side of the gate. He just gave them a scorn look while telling them to hurry up for the morning assembly. While they are rushing to the school hall, Umji realised that a hand had grab hers and tried to pull her faster.

"Come on, Umji. We're going to be late for the school's entrance ceremony!" Said Eunha cheerfully.
"I can't wait to met other friends!" She continued with a bright smile on her face. Umji just replied her smile and hold the hand tighter.
"Yup. You're right, unnie. Let's go!"

A few weeks had passed since then. Umji was happy as a lark as she now earns a couple of friends due to Eunha cheerful spirit. There was Yuju who will voluntarily sit with her whenever she needs a partner, Yerin unnie who was Eunha's sister and she even managed to met a genius like her who was Sinb or Eunbi. She sincerely can't thank Eunha more for bringing such a happiness in her life. She was smiling all by herself when a recognisable figure come and pat her shoulder from behind.

"I'm guess this year is such a great year for Kim Umji isn't it?" Jungkook sincerely smile towards the latter. Umji replied the smile but as usual she avoids eye contact with him at all cost.
"I just hope she won't do anything to you just like the others." He continued. This time his toned seems worried. She quickly turns to the young boy with a comforting smile.

"If you mean that she's going to mooch me off or even use me to get closer to you guys, then you have nothing to worry about. Eunha unnie is a great girl. She always tried to cheer me up whenever I had a bad day. She even taught me what it feels to have a friend. I'm glad we met her on our way to the school that day, oppa. Or else, I would've lose a great friend."

Jungkook smile as he heard how excited the girl was when taking about her great friend. Umji has this smile that can heals and delight everyone seeing them. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to show such a beautiful smile as she was constantly bullied by other girls in her previous school. Well, the boys tried to prevent the bullies from happening but things just got worse when they start to influence others to stop talking to Umji as a revenge. As a result, literally everyone in the school ignored her and the only friend that she has was her 'brothers'. It was a painful past for Umji and she hates it every time something that related to her previous school appears as she'll be reminded of the incident once again.

An ehem come from Jungkook side as he continued staring at Umji. There standing a girl with her bright smile.

"Mind I sit at my own seat please?" She cheekily said with a bright smile.

Jungkook just ignores her and return back to his seat without even looking back at the girl. Eunha who was quite taken aback by his acts, pull her chair and sit with a loud sigh.

"Tch. I wonder why does he always act like that towards me while acting sweetly towards you. I bet he had feelings for you, Umji!" Eunha said with a disgust tone.
I mean look at him-" she continued.
"He always look at our side and whenever I catch on him, he'll turns away. It's obvious who he has crush on, right?" Umji who was surprised by Eunha's statement, try to peek at the guy who were the subject of their conversation. When she realises Eunha was right about the stare, she quickly turns back her eyes to Eunha.
"Stop saying that unnie. There's nothing between us. Oppa is behaving so because he never has a friend who is girl except me since we were little. That's all." She calmly replied to Eunha while trying to control her nervousness under her tone.
"Awww, Umji! You're too innocent! Let's just say that he's being acting sweetly towards you for that reason. But, that doesn't justify how he would always had this eerie yet charming stare on us whenever he had a chance to! I've been watching on him with the side of my eyes, and let me tell you something. That stare means anything more than just friend!" Eunha said excitedly.

Umji chose not to reply Eunha's teased and focused on her notes. That made the latter pout a bit before laying her head down on her table. Umji just smile looking at the girl's cute act. 'Eunha unnie can surely sleep wherever she wants.' She cheekily smiles. From afar, Jungkook was watching at the two from his seat. His seat is at the back of the class near the door and the girls' are at most front and middle of class. Hence, it was quite impossible for him to listen carefully to the topic that both of them had. Nonetheless, he had a great time though. Seeing smile curves on Umji face made him glad. And, how we wish he could had the same expression whenever he faced Eunha. Even he doesn't know why but it was so hard for him to control his face in front of her. Instead of a sincere smile, he always frowns on whatever she said. To be truth, there's nothing wrong with Eunha at all. The problem come within him. But, even until now, he can't figured out why does he act like that with Eunha.

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