Chapter 10

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I stumble to my feet. "No. Tate would not do that." Chase shrugs his shoulders.

"Believe what you want, but I'm living, breathing proof that you're in love with a killer." He turns around and heads back into his room. I stare at him in awe until he's fully out of site. I check the rooms once more but Tate is no where to be found. So I decide to head back to our room. I round the corner to see Tate sitting on my bed.

"Where the hell were you!?"

"I was-"

"Do you have any idea how worried I was!?"


"Jesus Tate. I ran around this place checking every single room and hallway looking for you!"

"I'm sorry."

"No! Sorry doesn't cut it! Where were you!?" He looks down at his hands. "Tate if you don't answer me right now-"

"Out! Okay!"


"That's none of your goddamn business!" I feel the angry strike inside of me. I see the killer in his eyes, and I know Chase isn't lying. I see what Tate is capable of. And I guess being in love with him blinded me from seeing the truth, that was plain as day right in front of my eyes.

"Is that so?"

"It is." I've never see Tate looks so angry before. He rolls his eyes in disgust.

"You want to tell me what happened to Chase then?"

"What?" He looks at me like I've have two heads.

"Oh, you didn't think I'd ever run into him again? Yeah. I was talking to him this morning. He told me everything."

"Told you what..." His voice trails off. Fear breaks in his eyes. I take a deep breath.

"That you''re..."

"I'm what Devena!?" His voice makes my body shake.

"A killer."


I run out of the room. Tate chases after me. I hear him call my name but I don't turn back. I can't turn back. Especially now that I know what he's capable of. I can't trust him anymore.

"Devena! Devena! Wait!" His words echo around the hallways, bouncing off of every empty room. "Please!" I round the corner and I see Tate close behind me. I know he's in better shape than me and he'll soon catch up. So I dart into a empty room and close the door behind me. I place a chair underneath the door handle and wait.

The handle starts to turn viciously. Fear fills my body. My heart races out of my chest. Something tells me if he gets to me I'll be dead.

"Devena for Christ sakes open up!"

"No!" It comes off weak and small but it's better than saying nothing at all.

"I'm not...I'm not what you think I am Devena. I swear to God I'm not."

"I know...I know what I saw Tate. I know..."

"I know it looks bad, but it's not like how he's describing it. He came after me. Please just let me in. I'll tell you anything you want...I'll tell you everything. Please...I love you..." And there he goes throwing that word around like it's suppose to fix everything. Like love is the answer to all our prays. Like love is the only thing that can heal our brokenness. But regardless something makes me get up and move the chair. I open the door to see a upset Tate, tears streaming down his rosy face. And I know one thing. No matter how deadly he is, no matter how much harm he can cause me...I'll still be in love with him. Because he's still the best person I know. And just because he's deadly doesn't mean he'll hurt me. I mean, every rose has it's torn. And Tate...well Tate just has a lot more. But regardless I still embrace him in a hug. His soft sobs fill my ears. And for once, I try to forget about him.


Tate carries me back to our room. I don't know why, but he insisted. And I'm not complaining because I'm pretty worn out from all that running. Normally I'd be able to run for miles and not feel a thing, but the food they feed us here isn't the best quality to say the least.

He lays me on my bed and lies down next to me. He starts scratching at the wood above us. Has he started my habits too? It takes awhile before he speaks.

"Well...what do you want to know?" I notice his knuckles are bruised and caked with fragments of blood. That sends a shiver down my spine. I can't believe those hands use to touch me. It's almost like he knows and he immediately brings his hands to his chest.


"Well first off...he attacked me and-"

"Why in the hell would he do that?" But as soon as the words escape my lips I already know the answer.

"Because of you. Devena, he wants you. And he's willing to kill anyone who gets in his way."

"If he attacked you, then why aren't you hurt?" The words fall off my tongue like poison caked to my lips. I'm laying beside a killer. Most people would be beyond scared straight. I, on the other hand have never felt so alive.

I wonder why he's taking so long to response, but when I turn my head I'm greeted with my answer. The black and blue across his skin reminds me more of art, than human flesh. Countless welts gather on his stomach, where fresh burn marks lay. They're infected beyond belief. I can't tell if the burn marks are from Tate or Chase. But either way they look agonizing. There's several deep gash painted on the side of his hip like a pretty, twisted picture. Fresh blood still seeps from the paper towel he's wrapped around himself. My heart drops.


"Devena, he burned me with lit cigarettes each time I said I loved you. He figured if he burned me enough I'd leave you alone, but I'm not done fighting. Not for you. Not for us."


"He cut me, when I tried to get away. And once I fell to the ground he cut me several times over. I didn't want to fight him...but he didn't leave me any choice. He beat me till I broke, burned me till I bleed, cut me till I screamed, in hopes I'd let you go. But Devena, I'm never going to let you go. Regardless of how much infliction and agony he or anyone else in this entire world, casts upon me. Because I love you. And I'd die a thousand times just to see you smile." The words fall out of his mouth like honey coated sweetness, like he practiced them for days. And I don't know what to think. I look from Tate to his beaten stomach, and back again. I run my hand over the swallow skin. He winces in pain, but he doesn't pull my hand away. I know the burn marks will surely leave scars, but if we ice the cuts, there's a chance it may not. The swelling will however eventually go down. But right now, that's the least of our worries.

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