Chapter 17

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I wake up to flowers on my right and Tate on my left. My arm is connected to a IV and I watch as the montior displays my heart rate. I motion a nurse in and she's more than happy to assist.

"How may I help you today Miss. Winters?" She expresses a smile that seems more fake than it does real. I smile back before I begin to speak.

"Could you tell me what I'm doing here?" She smiles again.

"Because of those dear. Don't you remember?" A sudden hint of worry fills her face and for the first time since I've woken I look down. I'm shocked. From my wrist to my elbow, my arms lay in blood covered gauzed.

"Uh..yeah..yeah I remember.." I stumble over my words as if I never learnt how to talk. She smiles yet again. I wonder if that's just an act she puts on to make the pateient's stay a little brighter.

"Is that all Miss. Winters?" I nod my head but just as she's about to leave I have one more question.

"Um wait!"

"Yes?" She turns around and faces me.

"When did he get here?" I point to Tate who is sound asleep in the chair beside my bed.

"Oh he's been here all night. I told him to go home and get some sleep, but he insisted on staying so I eventually gave up." I didn't even think Tate cared anymore, let alone that he'd be willing to stay by my side for hours on end. I'd much rather be left alone with my thoughts right now but she starts talking again. "I know it's really none of my business but, you two dating..?" And for the first time I really notice how beautiful she is. Loose blond curls, dimples, blue eyes. She looks like she could be a model if she really wanted to. A hint of jealousy sparks in my voice.

"Why does it matter?" She looks taken back by my remark.

"I..uh..I didn't mean anything about it. I'm sorry I'll just go.." And with that she's gone before I can ever get another word out of my mouth.


I must of dozed off becasue I wake up several hours later to Tate starring at me. He doesn't say anything. He just moves closer and holds my hand. I really can't handle his rejection again right now, so if that's what he's here for he can just leave.

"Hey Devena.." His voice is so soft and sweet compared to the last time we spoke.

"Hi." Now it's mine turn to be cold. He can't just walk into and out of my life whenever he feels like it. It's not fair to me or anyone else involved. "You should know that nurse likes you..." He looks a little stunned.

"Why do you say that?' I shrug my shoulders.

"I just know." He takes a deep breath.

"Well that's doesn't matter to me because there's only one girl I want."

"And who's that Tate?" I can feel my heart beats going faster and faster.

"You..." I snort. A part of me is happy to hear it's me but a part of me is also pissed because of the current events that have just unfolded.

"You're joking right?" A frown appears on his face.

"What do you mean..?" I can feel my heart beat rising, but this time not out of happpiness.

"You treated me like the world. Put me on a pedestal. Made me feel like I was actually worth something. Then you took everything I was and destroyed it, because at the end of the day I wasn't what you wanted, so you threw me away. Now you want to just come back into my life and make things better because I almost died, and that would mean you wouldn't have a pawn in your game. And let's face it, games aren't nearly half as fun when you don't have half the pieces right?"

"Devena please I-it's not like that-" But I cut him off.

"Save it for someone who cares Tate, because clearly I don't give a fuck."

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