Chapter 26

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I instantly push the doctor out of the way and begin to get out of bed. I pull the IV straight out of my arm along with the needle for the epidural. I feel a tight pull in my lower back but it doesn't stop me.
"Ms.Winters what are you doing!? Getting up now can result in your baby dying! You're far too dilated to be getting out of bed now! Please sit down!" I push past him and waddle out of the door. I can practically feel the baby begin to push out but I keep going. I hear sobs fill the hallway and I know it can't be good. And then I round the corner. No amount of mental preparation could ever prepare me for the sight that lied right before my eyes.
Tate's body is placed upon the floor, lifeless. His blood is splatted upon the wall behind him. A bullet shot directly through the centre of his head. I instantly collapse. People try to help me back up but it's useless. I sit motionless on the ground. My eyes give way as tears fall down my cheeks, like constant rivers. I reach for his hand, which is now also covered in blood. I hold it up to my face, and close my eyes. I pretend we're back in the ward. With nothing but ourselves and the cold winter nights. I pretend that he's still holding me and that even though I'm an awful person to deal with, he's still holding on. Still believing in me. I open my eyes praying that it's all just some tragic dream, but the image that lies in front of me resembles more of a twisted form of art than an actual human being. His skin once vibrant now gone pale and cold. His eyes that once held such beauty and love now like look like light bulbs, sitting in sockets that have already burnt out. I hear a man call behind me.
"Somebody get her out of there! That kind of stress isn't good for her or the baby!" Two man attempt to gently pull me up but I react instantly and cling onto Tate's lifeless body. The more they try to pull me away the more memories of him come rushing back. The cupcakes, the cafeteria, the burns, the cuts, Chase, the hospital, the necklace, the baby. I feel my heart shatter. It lied dangerously upon shards of glass for many years, and finally they learned how to pierce through. I let my guard down and now it'll be the one thing that will kill me. I pull the necklace off my neck and slowly kiss the cross. I lift up his head. His hair is soaked in blood. The rest is caked to his forehead. I place the necklace around his neck and kiss his lips one last time. I stand up and turn around. Almost everyone in the room has now stopped what they're doing to watch me. I slowly walk back into my room. Emotionless. The tears that were once on my cheeks now have dried. I lay back on my bed and allow the doctors to replace the IV and epidural needle into my body. The exchange glances back and forth wondering how I could go from being so upset to absolutely cold. Then the doctor from earlier walks in.
"I'm so sorry about your boyfriend Ms.Winters. I really don't know what to say. You know I see so many deaths here everyday. There's families who walk out and never get to see their love ones alive again. But my god, I've never seen one as tragic as this. I'm so, so sorry Devena. Anything you need-"
"Can you just please stop? He's gone. I have to move on for me and my baby. Simple as that. This baby is all I have left to live for. So I have to be strong for her right now. Just for now. And once she's old enough to be strong on her own, then there's time for grief." The doctor gives me a surprised look.
"Okay Ms.Winters, this is it. Are you ready?" I look him straight in the eyes.
"I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

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