Chapter 18

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Tate's face drops in surprise. His eyes begin to fill with tears.

"Devena..please I love you.." Just then the nurse comes back in.

"I have some papers that need to be signed and-" she stops. "Oh, am I interrupting something. I'm sorry I can go if right now isn't a good time." She smiles once again. There's a hint of excitement in her voice, almost as if this is what she wanted to happen. Almost like she wanted to see us fail. A inner angry rages inside of me.

"You are actually." She glares at me for awhile but eventually leaves.

"What was that all about?" I had almost forgotten Tate was still in the room. He quickly wipes his eyes.

"I-Um-" I search for the right words but nothing comes to mind. I'm so frustrated with Tate thinking he can just waltz back into my life without a care in the world, and I'm pissed off that some nurse can think she can just walk in her and steal the boy I've spent my whole life trying to get. It's like the world is a baseball field and I'm the unlucky one who just struck out. "I..Tate...I-" And then it hits me. That feeling in my gut where I can't decided if I want to run and hide or just die. Tears start to stream down my rosy cheeks and in a matter of no time I'm being held in Tate's warm embrace.

"Shhh, I know sweetie, its a lot to take it right away. But we're going to get through this. I realize now that I was an idiot to leave you before and treat you the way I did but please believe me when I say I still do love you. I was just stressed and I let what people thought of you and of us get in the way. Devena I want you. I want you today. I want you tomorrow. I want you a year from now when we finally get out of this place. I..I want..." Tate stumbles off.

"You want what?"

"I want to marry you Devena. Because in the time that we didn't speak I felt a part of me die inside. It's like before I met you a part of me was always empty, and then just being with you and feeling your body upon mine, it showed me that you truly can make a home in someone else. Devena I made a home in you. And I don't care if I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to you because I will. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back. Baby I need you back." My heart pounds a mile a minute. "Please Devena, I'm begging you. One more chance." My mind feels as if it's about to explode, searching for just one reason to let him go. But every time I even found one semi good answers it's overruled by a better reason why he should stay. I take a deep breath.


"So you'll have me?"

"Yes Tate. I will."

"I love you Devena." How long have I waited to hear those sweet words again. it's like the sound of laying on someone's chest and hearing their heart beat. It's like having everything you've ever wanted given to you all at once. It's's like having the option to live instead of dying.

"I love you too." Just then the nurse walks in with the worst look on her face.

"I'm sorry Ms. Winters but I can't let that happen."

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