Chapter 24

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"Oh my god..." Tate instantly collapses beside me. He grabs my father's wrist and begins to check for a pulse. Of course there isn't one. "He's dead killed him..." He then continues to spit out words that I'm not even sure he understands himself.
"He killed himself." I shrug it off and begin to leave. I push open the door before Tate begins to speak again.
"We can't just leave him here. They'll know it's us. Devena they'll know."
"So? They were going to kill Why does it really matter if they know we killed one of them?"
"Because they could call the police?" I hate the way Tate feels the need to treat me like a child half of the time.
"Let them do it. They won't get too far seeing as they're murders themselves."
"That's not the same Devena. They'll have a way to cover it up I'm almost sure of it. We won't. Our finger prints are all over his body. It'll just be a matter of time before they come looking for us." I take a minute to fully think through what Tate is telling me and realize that he does indeed have a point. We agree on moving the body outside. Tate carries it half way and I drag it the other. My heart races a mile a minute. Thank god we took the back exit because it's only a couple yards until we reach thick woods, offering us a great covering. We dig a shallow grave and place his body in it. As I bury him I also bury the memories of him too. The good and the bad. It's just easier if I pretend I don't have a father at all.
We walk for several miles until we reach a corner store. We figure it's a safe bet if we change our clothes, get some food and head as far away from here as possible before sun down. We walk inside, praying no one will see us.


About 20 minutes later both Tate and I are fully clothed and wait in line to pay for our food. It's only then do I notice the TV screen just above the cashier head. It's shows too faces. Tate's and mine. I feel Tate tense up besides me knowing that he must of seen it too. We quickly pay for our food and leave.
At this point the woods seem like our safest bet but the longer we wait the less safe even they become.
"We need to find a car Devena."
"I realize that Tate but where in the hell are we just gonna get a car? We spent our last money on food."
Almost if on cue, just under the horizon lays a junk yard.
"I'm sure we can find something in there!" Tate says pointing forward. By now the suns starting to set and I start to feel the cold setting in. I wait outside the gates as Tate climbs over and begins to look around. I think over the probability of us actually getting out of here alive and as hard as I try they don't seem very good. I want to stay strong for Tate because the last thing I want him to do is give up, but it's hard when giving up is all I really know how to do.
"Tate lets just go there's nothing here. I'm starting to get cold and I'm tired of waiting. We're losing time Tate. Come on let's just-" but I'm caught off before I can finish my sentence but Tate's yelling.
"Devena! Devena! This one works! It's old and rusty but it works! Look!"
"Tate stop screaming someone will hear you!" I instantly check around but all I'm left with is darkness and the sound of crickets in the distance. "Let's just go okay." Tate starts to car and drives out breaking the gate in the process. Loud sounds echo around us and I'm sure this will be the end. I quickly jump in the car as Tate speeds away.
Night falls quickly upon us but Tate never stops driving. I begin to close my eyes, finally realizing how tired I truly am, and how nice it feels to be able to sleep without one eye open. I listen to the sound of the engine slowly put me to sleep. I think of the future and what it holds for me. For Tate. And our child. I want to be the kind of parent that regardless of how pissed off I am or upset, I will still always care about my children. I want to be the kind of parent I never had but always wanted. I'm going to raise them, and love them and show them that even when you think you have nothing, when you feel as if the world is collapsing beneath your feet, hold on a little longer. Because eventually even when it feels like you're drowning, you'll learn to swim. And if you don't, someone will always come along and teach you. I can't ever thank Tate enough for coming along and teaching me.

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