Chapter 3

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I quickly walk back to my room. I don't want to get caught at this hour of the night. When I get there the room is pitch black. I had swore I left a light on. I walk over to my bunk and slowly climb inside. I wrap the warm blankets around me and close my eyes. Not even a minute later I hear the bunk above me creek. My eyes shoot open, as a cool shiver runs down my spine, but I brush it off. They're old. They probably creek all the day. I turn over, facing the wall once more, and that's when I feel it. Cold, deadly hands, that remind me of a killer's, begin to trail up and down my body. I lay paralyzed. Before I even have the chance to scream for help, another hand is covering my mouth. I try to scream but its no use.

"Now now Princess, you know no one is going to hear you." Fear shoots through my body. I recognize that voice but I just can't place who is it.

"P-please...don't." I manage to say.

"Oh Princess, we both know the way you look at me is out of pure lust." He says with a smirk. "I know you've wanted me since the day you've first got here. I'm just making your dreams come true."


"Shush, this will all be over soon. Might as well enjoy the ride." He says reaching his hand up my shirt. I try to fight him off but I know my chances of outweighing him are slim. All I can do is pray. Suddenly a tall, slim boy stands at the doorway.

"Hi, my name is Tate. I'm your new roommate and-" His voice trails off once he sees the scene that is being played right before his eyes.

"H-help me." I manage to muffle out.

"Get out of here kid. You didn't see nothing."

"Oh too bad I did. And I advise you to leave right now because clearly she doesn't want what you're giving."

"Is that so?" His voice turns from seductive to deadly.

"And I'd advise you to leave before I beat the living shit out of you."

"Haha so pretty boy wants to fight?" Only now do I see his face. Its Chase. This kid isn't going to stand a chance against Chase no matter how good he is. Chase is a pure psychopath and he'll kill anything if given the chance. I have to stop this before it gets too far.

"Its fine Tate, I wanted...him to..." My voice trails off, growing colder by the minute. I spit the words out like poison in my mouth. In no world would I ever want to sleep with Chase. I'd rather die.

"What?" Tate's eyes narrow in surprise.

"You see that Tate, she wants all this." I roll my eyes in disgust. I follow Chase out of the room, but Tate stops me.

"Please don't do this. Please. I know you don't want to."

"I don't have a choice Tate. And that's one thing you're going to learn once you've been here long enough. You never have a choice."


Chase grabs my hand as we round the corner.

"We're going to find a nice closet Princess. Or maybe we'll use my room." I know I have to play along. Chase is dangerous and this is one battle I know I'll lose if I don't play my cards right.

"But...but what about...your roommate? Won't he...uh....mind?"

"Oh he won't mind Princess. Hell, he might even join in." He says winking at me. I feel my stomach turn.

We walk down the hallway a little farther and I know his room is close. I start to drag my feet, praying that maybe someone will stop us. Getting in trouble would be a lot better than what's going to happen next.

"You nervous or something Princess?"


"I guess that's a yes haha." We round the corner and I see his room in sight. Please God, save me. Please don't make me do this.

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