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Aww! Guys, it's the last chapter! I love you all so much, and I have never had one of my stories become so popular in a specific duration before. Even if 7k isn't 70k, it's still A LOT to me. Ily all!


QOC: On a scale from 1-10, how much did you enjoy this story? And PLEASE be honest. I'd like to hear your short overview if you actually want to put the time into writing a sort of long but not too long comment. It's cool if not! 💙

- Anna's POV -

Sometimes the world doesn't need heroes. Sometimes the world needs monsters.

My father, believe it or not, helped me become who I am. I have to give him some credit for making me strong. Because of his hatred and mistreatment, I learned how to take care of myself. Noah helped take a part in my development too. He taught me how to stand up for what I think is right in the face of fear. When he had me pinned against the wall with glass threatening to break through my skin, I still told him off. Mr. Owen's sheer dislike for me gave me the ability to remain calm when people are jealous of you. Don't worry about the haters. And the person who left this baby boy taught me that there are others with problems out there other than me. And that with my bad experiences, I can help people get through their own.

Also, the monsters inside my head taught me that I can overcome the self-hatred I sometimes have within me. If I got through them once, I can do it a million times over again.

These people - and myself - are monsters. But without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't of learned any of these lessons I've learned without them. I probably wouldn't of learned to love Aiden or to trust the ones I need to trust.

First we decided to pick up Dakota since his courtroom was nearest to us. My excitement couldn't be contained, but I had to be careful with this child in my hands as I tried not to run toward him. So I settled for speed-walking.

When I rounded the corner, he was leaning against the outside of the door, typing something on his phone. There are two police officers by his side, ready to take him away. Little do they know what I have with me. My eyes light up, and a smile breaks out onto my face. I turn to Nico, who is standing right beside me.

I hold the baby out for him cautiously. "Hold him," I say.

His eyes widen as I begin running toward my brother. I hear him say, "Wait! I don't know how to do this!"

I just continue on, knowing he'll figure it out as I approach Dakota. He must've heard Nico's call for help because his head immediately snaps up and his eyes find me. He grins and opens up his arms as soon as I am at hugging length.

I throw myself into him, burying my head into the material of his shirt. "I'm so happy, Dakota. I'm so happy you're okay."

He chuckles. "Well I don't see why I wouldn't be. A few days in jail won't be too bad anyway."

I pull away, smiling widely. "You're not going to jail."

My brother raises a brow, along with the dark-skinned police officer to his right. "What do you mean?" Dakota questions.

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