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QOC: Who's you're favorite character (if I haven't already asked)?


- Anna's POV -

I believed before this moment that the bravest thing I'd ever done is continue to live when I felt like dying.


This. This is the bravest thing I've ever done.

I'm loving.

It's brave because I know I'm never going to get over him. And when I need to choose him or something else along my lifeline, I'm going to choose him. I know it. And I'm going to choose him over and over and over again. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I'll keep choosing him. Even if he's the wrong choice.

I slowly peel my eyes open, brushing a strand of hair out of my face as I do so. I'm in Hayley's room, and in Hayley's bed. She'd kill me if she wasn't so sweet.

I turn to my right despite how hard it is because of Aiden's hold. But by now I'm used to that grip when we're lying down together.

He is awake, I know, because he keeps making these whiny noises whenever I move around. But his eyelids are kept shut. I roll my eyes and then stare at his features with a small smile.

My tattoo had really made me feel like I needed to do more than just kiss Aiden. But I think that I would've done it even if my tattoo hadn't of become all hot. I trust him completely now. Entirely with my whole soul. And although I know it's terrifying, it's worth it. It's nice to know you can trust someone. I know that if he ever hurts me, it won't be on purpose.

"Aiden," I whisper.

He groans.

I laugh lightly. "I want breakfast."

I don't know what compelled me to say that. Or what compelled me to even think it. The most shocking: what compelled me to want it. But I do. I'm suddenly genuinely hungry.

A grin slowly takes over Aiden's lips. He opens his eyes the slightest bit. "I'll meet you down there in a minute."

I lean over and peck his cheek. He chuckles tiredly in response before I sit up and turn away from him to grab and put on my bra. After I get my panties from the ground and slide them on as well, I go out of Hayley's room as quietly as possible with my hoodie and shorts in hand.

I put my clothes away and grab my phone, squinting in confusion when I see the screen light up with notifications from both Nico and Hayley.

Hayley: (4) Missed calls
Hayley: Anna!
Hayley: Pick up!
Hayley: Nico and I left the house a bit ago. We found something on Aiden's sister!

Nico: (7) Missed calls
Nico: Yo
Nico: Wassup
Nico: Meet us at the coffee shop on Main.
Nico: Anna, come on.
Nico: We're leaving in half an hour, bitch.

I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my pocket, quickly getting dressed into a pair of leggings and an off-the-shoulder white sweater. I pair it with some white calf-high boots that Hayley got me at the mall and then go into the bathroom to do my hair.

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