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A/N: I usually don't show my art, but I specifically made this for this story (I know it isn't any kind of Picasso masterpiece, but no hate please)

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A/N: I usually don't show my art, but I specifically made this for this story (I know it isn't any kind of Picasso masterpiece, but no hate please). It won't make sense until later on, but try understand what it means beyond what it looks like at first glance. Write in the comments what you think it portrays and what you think about it in general. Also, lemme known if you have any art to share/if you want to see more from me (you're insane if you do). ^^


- Anna's POV -

I sigh and stare blankly down at the song notebook in front of me, leaning over the desk in class with dull eyes. My cheek stays propped against my fist.

I want to write down exactly what I feel. Somehow, this paper stays empty. There's absolutely nothing there.

...Maybe I can't describe it any better.

I close the notebook and instead pick up the guitar again, picking at the strings as the wood shop teacher passes me with a raised eyebrow. He'd seen me writing and slacking off, but judging by how quickly I'd just built a guitar in two hours (two classes this week), he assumed he didn't need to make a comment.

I feel Nico continue to look up at me from across the room, and eventually I sigh, glaring at him. "What?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

"You can't just give me looks like that and then brush it off when I ask about them," I say, deadpan in annoyance.

He chuckles and then gets up from his spot, bringing his small project with him. He chips away when he sits down next to me, and I watch him. His accuracy is faulty.

"You seem more off than what I think you usually are," He says. "Hayley said you've been more silent and darker than you tend to be in a normal time and place."

I shrug and then look back at the sound board of the guitar. It's smooth, and I sanded it perfectly. Unlike me, it's soft. I've toughened around people more. Again. And after Aiden dropped me off, he didn't say anything. I didn't either. He just let me go. We didn't even speak on the drive back.

And now it's Tuesday, and I've almost been here for three weeks. The school still rumors about me, but not as much so as in the beginning. But Aiden has completely avoided me. Now he's the one treating me like I did him last week. But in his defense, I haven't made a move to talk to him either.

I'm not stupid. I know he's staying away from me so he not only can avoid explaining what had happened at the house, but to also keep me away from whatever the hell is going on in his life. He doesn't want to let me in. It has nothing to do with protecting me. He's just shutting me out, doesn't want me to understand his secrets. But I would refuse to let him understand mine too. No one really can anyway.

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