Fun Facts About Wronged

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I just wanted to insert some fun facts about this story before you toss it or decide to read it again. Or go onto Can I Have Your Attention Please or Possession or whatevs.


Fun fact 1:
Wronged was something that I wanted to mainly focus on mental health and drama. That's why it's labeled as a teen fiction and not as a romance. And the reason it focuses on mental health is because my friend was recently diagnosed with depression. His psychiatrist said that to get out of it, the best thing he could do was take his anti-depressants faithfully and to do things that he loves. Of course, his number one choice was reading. So I wanted to vent some of what he maybe feels into Anna. Kind of. And it's worked! He's definitely getting better. Just gotta stay positive. And you lovely people sure help.

Fun fact 2:
Dakota reminds me of my cousin. He's faithful and doesn't give up on you. His character is entirely based on my sibling. To the point. I even had him help develop his look and personality the way he thought would be best for portrayal. Nico is a character entirely based off of my guy friend. I went through this whole process about how I wanted to mellow out the story to make it not so dark. Obviously Nico is something that's needed to brighten it up.

Fun fact 3:
Aiden was originally supposed to be Nico's name, and Nico was supposed to be Aiden's. But then I realized how much more childish Nico sounds and how hot Aiden sounds. Lol.

Fun fact 4:
Remember Amanda Rent, Aiden's ex-bed buddy? I was going to make her Dakota's soulmate as a plot twist. But then I was all "nah that's too much work AND she's got a bitchy attitude so it'd ruin the happy vibe I had goin on."

Fun fact 5:
I love writing songs, just like Anna. I figured I might as well incorporate music into it since it's poetic like Anna's thoughts. And it gave me an excuse to put Shawn Mendes in there. You'll always find that I've got Shawn Mendes references in my books.

Fun fact 6:
I've decided that I'm not going to give Aiden and Anna an official ship name like I've given others. Personally between my two favorites (Aidenna and Aina), I like Aina. BUT, Shawn Mendes actually said something in an interview the other day that made me think about you guys too. I mean, he doesn't speak for his fans on what they want to be called as a fan base. So, because I consider you fans of this book if you've made it this far, I won't speak for you on what you want the ship name to be.

Fun fact 7:
My aunt is a book editor, so she read over my story as a hobby. BUT she only checks for grammar mistakes, not improvements (among those mature scenes read). Also, she went over it for mistakes briefly, so it may not be edited to its full beauty. I'll make sure to do that sometime soon. ;)

Fun fact 8:
I had no idea that Wronged's title had any significance, and I am ashamed to admit I just stuck a title to the storyline like a magnet to a fridge. I had the entire outline written of course, but I drew a blank on the title. So...I hope it was good enough. 😂

Fun fact 9:
You know the place the Morgans and Aiden and Nico went camping and also where they retrieved Lily? I live there. Or, right below it (in De Beque, as Anna mentioned one point). I thought to myself, "Well I want this to be as realistic as possible." So, I went full-dedication mode and hiked up there and drew a whole map of what the place would look like. With my family when we went camping. I also took pictures on my camera and described the mountain just as it is. I even went up at different times of day so I could see all different points of views. So the lake they swam in, the camping spot, the opening, and the location of the group home is all real. It's on the Grand Mesa. Although the group home is made up, there is an abandoned building up there that is rickety and wooden. So instead of making the home nice, I made it old and freaky like the abandoned building.

Fun fact 10:
The building in Denver where the trials were held is absolutely real. I did a 360 degree tour to see what it looked like to explain and describe it well. I also had to do research to see exactly what a trial would look like (however I altered how they say things). I tried to make it as realistic as possible for you though.



So that's all the fun facts for you!

Quick question though! I've had this username since I got onto Wattpad, and I've been thinking of changing it. I think it would be good, just because I need a fresh start with a fresh happiness to it. Do you think I should? Or should I keep what I've had forever? What's been with me through all the torment?

Help me out here! 💜💙

Lots of love,
KC 🐳💙

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