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- Anna's POV -

I think on a higher level of social acceptability, I deal with younger kids a lot better than people my age or older.

It may be because as a child, you don't judge others. You can't because you don't know their history. Their past. What made them what they are now. You don't understand what all the negativity really is until you grow up.

And that's why Lily, for some reason, has given me the motivation to get back to walking. It wasn't hard once I got it. She made me laugh the whole appointment, and it put a smile on everyone's face.

It's not like my legs or spinal chord were injured or broken, so it didn't take long to get back on my feet (literally). It hurt a lot before, but my situation isn't a life-altering one...apart from the loss of my child of course. So I got back into the groove. I'm getting discharged tomorrow. And then we're all going home.

Unfortunately right now, Nico is being his annoying little self and making this day drag on for a lot longer than a day should last.

"I'm just asking!" He protests, whining like a child. "I didn't mean to be rude. There's just no way your chesticles are that perfect without surgery."

Hayley slaps his arm, making a cracking sound when she makes contact. Lily giggles as I try my best to cover her ears.

"I did not get any freaking boob jobs, you asshat! They're as real as the fact that the sky is blue," she huffs in anger.

He raises a brow. "Well, not everyone believes the sky is blue, Kylie Jenner."

My mouth forms an "o" shape. He just gave his girlfriend two - of not three - reasons to slap him senseless.

The first is that he denied that the sky is blue. And Hayley's paintings and such revolve around the sky, so she thinks she knows for sure what colors are for what. The second is the obvious: he denied that his soulmate's tits are real because they're so perfect to him...which, I don't know if that should be taken as a compliment or an insult or both. And the third is that he called her out for lying about a tit transformation like Kylie Jenner supposedly did once upon a time.


Hayley stands up, towering over him. "I swear to God if you don't shut up right now I'll—"

He holds up a finger. "Before you threaten to wring my neck and dry me out of blood over a balcony, consider this." Hayley gives him a confused - but mostly pissed off - look, and snaps her mouth closed. Her arms cross tightly.

"If life can give you lemons," He continues. "Then a simple operation can give you melons. It's really not that difficult to believe when you have my dream sweater-stretchers."

Her jaw drops, and before you know it, Hayley's grabbed him by the ear and yanked him up into the air. Lily is laughing hysterically despite the fact that she can't hear anything (I hope) as they leave the room.

Nico looks at me pleadingly on the way out before he drops to the ground on his stomach. Hayley growls and snatches up his ankles, dragging his body along the nasty hospital floors.

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