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QOC: Do any of you have the Episode app? I'm making a story on there soon.


- Anna's POV -

"I'm gonna kill that-"

"Don't worry about it," I interrupt him, voice quiet and low. My arms have goosebumps running along them due to the wind. "I'm used to this treatment, remember?"

"But he's out of your life now!" Dakota argues. "That portion of your life has already happened. You shouldn't be talked down to by him. I thought Aiden was the one who got pissed off whenever someone even looked at you rudely."

I shrug. "I guess it's a shame. Not a surprise, but a shame. What person on this planet would want to not betray or hurt me?"

My brother silences beside me, as he had taken the swing next to me. We sit as the rain begins to come to a dwindling halt, and I think about Aiden. Why did he even have to get so worked up? What was the problem? I was going to explain everything in hopes of him not blowing up. You know, like those guys in the stories. But apparently real life doesn't grant fairytale wishes.

I can't help but ask the next question that slips off of my tongue. Dakota had already listened to me briefly explain what went down just a little while ago, but I didn't go into the details, like how Aiden had called me a lying bitch.

"Do you think I'm a bitch?" I ask him, finally making eye contact. "And don't lie because it'll only make me more reserved."

He runs his hand through his hair and then makes his silver eyes - the same tint as mine - connect with my own. A sign of honesty. "No. You're no where near it, Anna. You've been hurt. And even if I think you're fierce and extremely smart, smarter than everyone else, I don't think you're a bitch. I hope that's not why you think I left or anything because-"

"I know that's not why you left," I say, chin resting on my knee, which is held up by my foot put on the edge of the swing seat with my butt. "It's the reason Aiden did though."

It falls quiet again, and I feel my eyes getting droopy. I know it's from the lack of sleep catching up to me, and I also know my exhaustion is a result of not eating. I haven't eaten anything in a long time. I'm not going to state the exact time, otherwise you'll judge me and tell me to eat again.

My ribs have definitely started to show pretty prominently, along with the beginning of my spine. I've noticed the color of my cheeks has began to fade as well, replaced with a pale skin. It doesn't help that I go to the gym twice a week as well.

"I just texted Nico," Dakota says, snapping me from my thoughts. I glance at him. "He's going to go check on Aiden and see if he's caused any damage to Noah."

I nod and give my brother a weak smile. I'll never be able to forget what he did, but in time, I'll be able to forgive him. I'm not completely heartless. But even though I'll forgive, it doesn't mean I'll trust him. It's the trust that gets people. They become to reliant on a person, and end up smashed in the end no matter what.

Anyway, Dakota leads me back to his own car and starts driving in directions I don't recognize. We end up at his own apartment instead of my house, and he brings me into his kitchen, which is the first thing you see when you enter.

I didn't complain or question why we came here. I don't really want to go home anyway. Hayley's optimism really isn't what I need. And Lyma will most likely just hound me with questions as always about where I've been and what I did. She's friendly about it, but it's quite annoying sometimes.

WrongedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon