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- Anna's POV -

"All students and staff, please report to the auditorium immediately."

The halls buzzes after the clicking sound of the intercom being turned off is heard. Humming and murmuring takes over, and I hear students saying things like, "We're never called out for anything important. Must be serious." Apparently this school doesn't get much excitement, so being called to the auditorium must be what they call thrilling. Wow.

Hayley tags my hip with herself and follows me, who is following the pack of horny and unsanitary teens. It's like we're just a hoard of cattle being pushed in whatever direction authority commands us to.

My foster sister has books clung to her chest and she smiles up at me. "What do you think this is about?"

I shrug. "If I knew I wouldn't be going to this thing."

She doesn't reply, probably taking my words as a hint that that was the only answer she was gonna get. I shove my hands into my grey hoodie and glance outside the front glass doors, noticing the rain patting the pane. Then I sigh and head into the auditorium, filled with hundreds of kids. It's more of a giant theatre if you ask me.

Hayley and I find our seats somewhat near the top, staring down at the principal, who seems two inches tall from up here. As everyone settles in and the doors are closed, he walks up to the podium and hushes the crowd. Gradually, it follows the order.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here," Principal Parling begins, "And I shall explain that reason in a few moments. But for now, I'd like you to take a second to understand what taking something that isn't yours truly means. Deeply."

Everyone stares and mumbles in confusion. Parling hushes them again and restates his fact, telling everyone to ponder for a minute on the word, "theft."

In my world, it has multiple different meanings. There are so many versions of the word, that I can't keep count. I overthink meanings of every word, so needless to say, I didn't really think deeply in the sixty seconds I was supposed to.

When the time was up for thinking (even though I'm sure no students actually did), Parling sighs in some sort of empathy- a sadness unrecognizable. A fake one.

"Students, staff, I brought you here today to announce that something has been stolen from the music department. A three thousand dollar electric Fender guitar was taken from the classroom two days ago. This weekend, or today, we'd like you to report anything you may have seen or something you know." He pauses, and my mind runs wild. I saw the person who took it. "Turn yourself in. Or the person who you think may have done it. Stealing something so valuable is illegal, and there will be consequences. Nothing like this has ever happened here, so it's shocking to all of us. We want to prevent it from happening ever again, or as best we can. Come talk to me if you have anything- questions or comments...you're dismissed."

My eyebrows skyrocket. The guitar he stole was a very expensive one? It didn't look that expensive. Maybe a thousand, but not three. I know my guitars. I would've been able to tell if it were worth that much. Maybe the principal is telling us a lie to emphasis and stretch the importance of stealing from school property. It wouldn't be too surprising, considering he just admitted himself that "stuff like this doesn't happen here."

The students seem to groan and grumble irritatedly when they find it's not something as exciting as some of the conspiracies that were created. Everyone files out slowly, getting ready to leave for the day in a few minutes. Apparently the thrill built up wasn't what they were anticipating.

I wasn't disheartened though. I was confused and questioning myself. Should I report that I saw someone steal the instrument? Would that attract unwanted attention? What if I do report the person, and they have some sort of vengeful emotion toward me from this day forward? Parling said himself that it's illegal and that there'll be consequences. If I don't say anything and someone finds that I knew earlier on, then could that mean those consequences reflect onto me too?

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