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The trailer many of you have seen was taken down by me for personal reasons. Thank you for being so supportive of it though!
Wronged is now available on Amazon for pre-order as an ebook. It comes out May 5th to read AND as a paperback. So, if you prefer paperbacks, I would very much appreciate if you helped me on my journey as a young writer. But if you can't or just don't want to spend money on a story you can read for free, no big deal! Thanks for wanting to read anyway! However, if you do want to buy the published version, the storyline is slightly different after editing. Many things were changed. :)

Hello, perfectly imperfect readers, and welcome to Wronged. This book is one of hundreds I have inside of my head, but it is on the top of the list at the moment. Many stories are clogged up into my brain, and I jot down a small plot in my notebook whenever a storyline pops to life.

This one just so happens to be one I thought of making a few days ago, but I became so excited about it, that I've already completed half of the outline. And in my opinion, it looks pretty damn amazing. But, ya know, that might be just a little bias.

Anyway, I created this story based off of Instagram and a little push from one of my friends. She's the first to see the story synopsis, and she's the one who really gave me the idea in the first place to create a unique and new plot.

I've decided to insert some disclaimer things in here, because this story is going to be pretty dark, dealing with Anna Cardale's past and efforts to keep a sane mindset. She lived a horrible life, okay? And I only made her that way because it's realistic. People pay too much attention in la-la-land to see the real stuff. It's not all rainbows and roses.

Basically, I'm the type of writer who wishes to send messages to the world about things that aren't dealt with enough. Either law enforcement takes too long to put away the bad guys because of "lack of evidence," or the victims just never speak up because they're afraid.

So here's what's gonna go down in this story, and what's going to be pondered and mentioned and flashbacked in Anna's life. I suggest you read them or look for something in this list that could possibly trigger you. This is a fair warning.

Reoccurring Flashbacks of Child Torment
This topic is extremely difficult to write about, but it's going to be one of the main reasons Anna is so unhappy and depressed and silent. Before you hate on her bitchy attitude, I'm warning you in advance that there's a reason for it. Any hate comments will be eradicated and ignored, if they are directed toward her personality. Because even though she's fictional, people like this exist. And if someone reading this story is like Anna and sees someone's trashy comment, I don't want them getting triggered or upset. They've gone through enough.

This is such a common thing, yet people continue to stand by and let it happen or continue to do it. Sometimes others bully without even realizing their actions are certifiably evil. So yes. It'll be included. But Anna will have none of that. ;)

Self-Harm/Suicidal Urges
You can't really be surprised that this would be a result of Anna's past- especially when I mentioned the other two things above. These are some things that would lead a girl to do the unthinkable to herself. It's so awful, horrible to think about. But it's true. And it happens. And I want to say now that it's never the answer. If you're having bad things run through your head, this is the book for you. I'll try to make it as relatable and inspirational as possible. I hope to help people find comfort and safety in this story, and the outcome it has.

Foster Care
Millions of children are put into some sort of foster system/care home/adoptive services/etc every year. It's heartbreaking to know that their parents couldn't or wouldn't take care of them. But some of them do find homes that help them, and this is one of those stories. The family is kind, I promise.

Illegal Activity
Okay so, I guess this doesn't need much of a disclaimer, but I guess I should stick it in the list just in case. Illegal activities happen all over the country, and some people never get caught or are just plain powerful. Besides, what's a story without some sort of law drama?

Sexual Content
Surprise. You're on Wattpad. What did you expect, for this story to NOT include sexual content? Psh. (I DO NOT WRITE IT BECAUSE IT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE AND NERVOUS.) My aunt writes those scenes. She's a g.

Once again, you're on Wattpad. It is simply not for the innocent. I labeled this story mature for a reason, so if you're uncomfortable with cussing- or anything on this list for that matter- I politely suggest you leave. I swear I'm not a vulgar person in real life though.

I WILL NOT tolerate any sort of plagiarism or book theft from this story. This is my story. My plot. My brain. What MY imagination spewed. And I swear on Shawn Mendes's life that I will hunt you down and MURDER YOU if you steal MY IDEAS OR WORDS. And I am in love with Shawn Mendes. (UPDATE FROM 2019: IM NOW 15 AND AM NOT REALLY THAT MUCH OF A FAN BUT I, IN MY 8TH GRADE LIFE, INCLUDED HIM A LOT IN MY STORIES)

I'm a crazy boo.


Okay, so I'm pretty sure that sums my little disclaimer up nicely.

I'll place a cast up soon, and then we'll kick off the story! Thanks ya'll!


Update ( August 14th, 2018 )

I was recently offered by another website to sell this book. The opportunity was enticing, and I really wanted to take it, but I ended up declining the offer because in order to sell them my copyright, I would have to partially remove Wronged from Wattpad.

I made it clear above that I want this story to be reachable for girls, and maybe even some guys, like me who need it. I write to spread awareness for things that people aren't aware of enough. If it were my career, I can honest to God say that my purpose for writing books wouldn't be to make money.

People shouldn't have to pay to read stories, and they shouldn't have to create an account to access books such as mine that aim to help mentally-illed (I know that's not a word and it's made up, but all words are made up so there.) teenage girls.

So I just wanted to let y'all know that if I ever get any offers that say I have to take my book off of Wattpad, I'm going to decline them. But, if I ever get a deal where I can keep Wronged up on Wattpad and sell it, that would be cool. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not a sellout. Lol.

I mean, I only just turned 14 after completing Wronged. I have plenty of time to sell a book if I really wanted to. (Somewhere in one of my author's notes, I say I'm 13, but I grew up a year during this process, haha.)

Love y'all! 💚

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