Start from the beginning

"Here... the place that i grow up together with Natasha... she raise me... like her own sister..." she said. Then i turn to her. She... crying...

Then she sit down on the bed. It's sound like a crack. She stare at the closet. I go to that closet and pull it. It's have a camera and paper. I take it and give it to Y/N. She open the paper and she stare. Like, she's reading it. After a second, she start to crying hardly. I walk to her and give her a hug. She crying in my chest. I don't like when i saw her like this. What that she reading it? Then i take the paper. I saw it's like a letter. Then i read it.

'Hello my sister... this is me, Natasha. I guess you find this letter after i died. I just want to say that i love you so much. You know that i really love you. Don't cry about me okey? And i will love you always and do everything.

For you, i can pretend like i was happy when i was sad. For you, i can pretend like i was strong when i was hurt. I wish love was perfect as love itself. I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden. I give the world just for you, i could do everything just for you because you are my everything. And you must ask me, why i didn't tell you about them right? Well...

If i tell you about them, i know that you will not believe me. But if i show you the proof, you will believe me and you must go alone to find them. But i don't want you to risk your life. That's why i'm not really to tell you about this. I know you well. All day i think about this. I think about how to save you.

You remember when you forgot your mask right? Actually, i'm the one who take it from you. You already put it in your bag but i take it out. And i know, tonight will be the last time that we be together. They will kill us. But i'm never give them the chance to kill my sister.

TONIGHT... i'm the one that will die. Please continues your life. You maybe ask me how did i know all about this right? Honestly, i already know about their plans. And i don't wanna to tell you. Yeah, you know why... and you're not believe me at all. But it's okey, i still love you no matter what. And don't forget about me, Y/N. I LOVE you as my sister for the rest of my life.


Wow... that's full of... emotional. Then i turn to Y/N. She hold the bracelet that she already wear it. It's blue colour and have word 'bestfriend'. (That bracelet i show you in Yoongi's ending)

"161228... is it the date that...."

"The date when Natasha died. The date we being together for the last time. The date that the last time she smile at me. The date that she tell me about them. The date that she save my life. The date that i lose everything in my life. And the date it's.... tomorrow..." She say while stare at her fist. Wait... tomorrow?? Today is... 15 DEC... I just look at her. That's why she come here. She want to remember that all memories about Natasha. 

"Why... why i didn't hear to her? Why! Why i trust to anybody but not to her?!  You are so useless Y/N!!" She yelled while close her face with her small hands. Then i take her hand and pull her chin to looked at me.

"Y/N... don't say like that. Didn't she tell you why the reason is? It's about that she love you." I said while patted her hair. It's so soft and comfortable to touch. What shampoo did she use it? *lol*

"But... why... why my life is very difficult? Why me?" She ask me then she cry in my shoulders.

"Don't worry Y/N... you have me. You have us... you have Omar..." i said. Then she looking up to me.

"Let's get out of here..." she said while pull my hands. I grab the camera and walk out from there. Then we walk with silent. No one dare to talk anything. She still hold the paper. And i decide to broke the silent.

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