interview #40 @KayCee_K

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1 what's your favorite book?

My favorite book outside of Wattpad is Harry Potter but on here on Wattpad I have so many, however, there's a book called 'Every Wave', sadly it's no longer up to read. It's one of the first books I ever read on here and has stayed with me ever since. 

2 whose your favorite author outside Wattpad?

J. K. Rowling has been for most of my life. I just love her style, world, and characters. Her books are my most re-read books ever. I re-read them every year.

 3 what inspired you to write?

First, I enjoy it. There's nothing like weaving together a world with characters. Even if no one ever reads it, I still have a blast writing stories. Second, the idea that my story may bring a smile to some. I could go on and on.

 4 do you have any other creative outlets? 

I bullet journal. There's nothing like spending time watching a show or listing to an audiobook and working in it. So, not only do I have that as a creative outlet, it's a wonderful way for me to keep track of everything I need to do. From who's going to be in my next issue of Double the Books Magazine to what I need from the shop.

5 what's your favorite aspect of Wattpad? 

That I can write both fanfic and original stories. That I don't have to pick. I enjoy writing fanfic because I can write anything even if it doesn't quite fit into that world. (Plus, it's a great way to get over writers' block.) But then I can share my original stories where I've put hours of work into making sure everything fits and that it's an overall full story.

6 what's one of your Wattpad goals? 

My newest goal is to get up some new stories. But my overall goal is to have stories that I'm proud of up on my page, ones that I can be like, 'yes, I wrote that!' 

7 what's your advice to a newcomer?

Post often and edit your work. I'm not the best at editing and I've gotten lots of comments about it before, not all nice; it doesn't feel the best, having someone rudely stating that your work needs editing. 

 8 what's your favorite color? 

Purple! I'm not sure why but it's always been my favorite. I have many purple pens, it's my favorite ink to write with.

9 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day,who would you choose and what would you do?

Wow! So, many! I think I would have to be an author. Mostly J.K. but I don't think I could speak. If not her then a have a long list of authors who I would pick to hangout with. Or maybe a booktube right, like Kat from Katytastic we could have a great time!

 10 how would you spend a rainy day? 

For me, there are only three ways to spend a rainy day. One, reading. I love reading on a rainy day, there is nothing like it. Second, writing. If it's a really quiet day while raining, I can get lost in writing quickly. Third, watching TV, movies or shows, doesn't matter but wrapped up in bed with all my blankets. All with a nice cup of hot tea!

11 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follower or piece of feedback? 

Yes, every single time. I don't think I could ever not be surprised. It just means so much to me that there are people who take time to read, like and send some feedback to me. I'm always and will be thankful!

Request time!

This is a hard one because my fanfics are my most read by I enjoy my own stories the best. A few years back I wrote one called Broadway High, it's been my favorite to write but does need a good edit. I love the music, acting and dance world so much; and always love this idea of a school of them. But I'm working on a few new one ones that I'm hoping to get up!

 But I'm working on a few new one ones that I'm hoping to get up!

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