Interview #19 @AMLKoski

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1 how would you spend a day?

I usually spend a rainy day sitting on my bedwith my window open as I write. I like the sound of rain pattering on leavesand on the roof and I adore the scent of wet earth and rain. If its thunderstormsand lightning, I will open the screen and watch the sky for each flash and waitfor each cracking boom.

2 who's your favorite celeb?

My community! I have spent a good long time cultivating them and I love that theyfeel comfortable around me and that they can come to me with questions or concerns. 

3 what's your favorite book?

That I get to witness the fact that they fix the ranking system and the mess of tag rankings they now have. I have been here since 2011, I remember when the ranking system was fair and equal, undiscovered and popular each had an equal chance at the top spot, no one was given a boost up over the other. I honestly want it back. 

4 what's one of your favorite songs? Who's the artist?

That is a tough one because I love a fair few. Kresley Cole, Christine Feehan, Shannon Hale, Gail Carson Levine, Sarah Dessen, and many many more. It's really hard for me to pick just one favorite.

5 do you have any other creative outlets?

Don't be afraid to be vocal, and this isn't me saying that you go around demanding people read your books. This is me saying that you should comment on the books you read, give feedback, be a community builder, help others out. Utilize the forums, meet people, and be very present on wattpad. I've noticed that the more you do that, the more likeminded people will come to you and you will build yourself an awesome little community! 

My second note of advice is don't care about the hotlist or ranking. Don't. It might seem a bit ridiculous for me to say that, but I never started writing on Wattpad to get big. I wrote because I LOVE writing and you should as well. That translates well into your books and people can tell and it makes it a more enjoyable experience for them.

6 what inspired you to write?

Spring (the two days we get off is in Canada) and fall. I am not a fan of hot weather because I have heat intolerance and hot days make me very uncomfortable. And winter is gross.

7 what do you enjoy most of Wattpad?

I always said plum red to this but then I noticed an awful lot of my things were blue, like my car, my phone, my charging cords, my decorations, my blankets, my clothes, so I'm pretty sure it's blue at this point. Otherwise blue is slowly taking over my life without me realizing.

8 what's a tip you'd give a newcomer?

That's hard to reply to. When I get a very insightful comment I get super excited because I love when people try to rationalize out my character's behaviors, but I had to turn my vote and follower notifications off because they go nuts sometimes. So those are a no, but I adore comments!

9 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you do?

Damn.This is going to be a tough one. I like quite a few celebrities and I don'tparticularly have a favorite but if I had to choose one, I would have to sayMaisie Williams. She seems like an awesome person to chill with. I wouldhonestly just like to chill out with her anywhere and people watch. Either thator just hang out and chat.

10 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follower or piece of feedback?

I don't really have much of a routine to be honest. I suffer from seasonal insomnia, so when the weather changes it messes with my brain so as a result I don't sleep and that means my writing suffers. So at the moment it is me writing whenever I manage to find the energy to after a long day at work.

Usually, when the weather settles, and I can sleep normally, I set aside the time between 8-12 to write out a chapter or two depending on the book I am working on. The word limit is about 3k words before I let myself stop. That usually works well for me.

11 what's your dream vacation?

If I got paid, I would pay off bills and then relax. I'm boring, I know but it's just who I am. I crave financial stability. You can thank my rather financially unstable childhood for that. 

But after that I would phone up my friends and we could scream at each other in excitement for several hours.

Request time!

I say read Monster. It's a 10K novella that is written in a poetic fashion and it's about a female who must work through life in a misogynistic society where she is banished and later becomes a monster that helps topple the oppressive regime with her lady love. I honestly adore it and it's not one of my more popular books and it's not in a series, but I am super proud of it.

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