Chapter Ninety

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I wear an emerald dress. It is simple in shape. A low V shaped neckline and a flowing skirt made from a shiny material. My hair has been left down and a crown of flowers has been woven into into it. The flowers are bright against my hair. My eyes have been painted with the same emerald shades as the dress and my lips have a thin layer of bronze glitter covering them.

I gulp as I look in the mirror. The past week has been an incredibly long and exhausting one. It had taken a lot of time to clear the fallen bodies from both sides and get them home to their loved ones. It has been a time of mourning over all of Shadow. Now, it is our turn. Today, we burry Serenity. We didn't want black. We wanted to wear colours that represented her and her life. Colours that remind us of her. A deep ache claws at my chest and I feel my eyes being to sting. A knock on my door momentarily distracts me.

"Come in," I say, trying to make my voice even. The door opens and Sorcha walks inside. She bows at me and I give a nod of respect to her. Every day she has been looking healthier and healthier as the natural balance of their people has been restored.

"Queen Isla," she smiles and I manage a small smile back.

"High Priestess," I say. "How can I help you?" I ask.

"I have come to inform you that we are ready to leave. All our dead are on the ships, ready to go home to their families," she sighs. "Our injured are now healthy enough to travel."

"Good," I say. "I'm sure you will all be happy to be home," I say. She nods her head.

"We as a nation have a lot of healing to do," she sighs. "We both do." I nod my head in agreement. "But I hope that we can put this behind us. I know it will take time but I believe Shadow and NightShade can have a future of peace together. A friendship. I know it may be difficult to think about, especially considering what my people have done to yours," she sighs.

"Shadow is a forgiving and understanding nation," I tell her. "We just need a bit of time first," I say.

"Of course," she says with a heavy sigh. "I have decided that you can keep Harrison here to do with as you please," she says. "Though he may be a war criminal to our people, the atrocities he has commited have had a greater effect on Shadow. Plus, we don't want him stepping foot on our lands again," she scoffs. I nod my head, glad about her decision.

"You are welcome to come to the execution," I tell her. A smile lights up her face.

"I think that is an offer I may have to take up," she grins wickedly. I chuckle and there is a few moments of silence.

"I will have a message sent to you, when we decide on when it shall be."

"Yes, I would like that." She goes to leave the room then turns around.

"Goodbye queen Isla," she smiles. "Be well."

"You too," I smile back to her and she leaves. There will be an escort for her and some of her people back to the ships where they will sail back to NightShade. I would take her, however there is too much to do. Toryn walks in as she leaves. His face is solemn.

"It is time," he sighs. I nod my head. We go down to the ballroom where a large group of shifters wait. They all wear clothes made of shades of greens and decorated with flowers. I gulp again as they bow upon my entrance. I walk through the hall, the shifters parting as I do so. In the centre of the room is a beautiful wooden table. Lying on top of it in a case of clear glass is Serenity. Tanya stands there, tears streaming down her face as her hand presses against the glass case. I surpress a sob as I see Serenity lying there. She looks so peaceful. The blood has been cleaned from her body and she has been dressed in a spectacular bronze and green dress. Her eyes are closed and her lips have a very small hint of a smile to them. I put a hand on Tanya's shoulders and she sinks into me, her sobs echoing around the room.

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