Chapter Eighty-eight

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I am back! I returned yesterday so I am going to update today! This story is very nearly finished. In fact, I might finish it today, not sure yet! Hope you enjoy!

There are still dark storm clouds around the battle field. I burst out of them with a hungry roar, desperate to end this. Though it is mostly over already. The NightShade forces have circled to surround their King. There must be just under a thousand left now. I see Toryn in the distance, his huge body twisting as he is about to dive into the battlefield again. The Kings' eyes fall on me, however. They widen with a mixture of fear and anger. I snarl upon seeing him, the low grumble filling my body and echoing over the field. Tanya glides low across the field below me. She also lets out a roar. It is a little higher pitched than mine, but it still sounds terrifying. I watch as a large black bolt suddenly flies from the NightShade ranks. My heart lurches as it races toward her. She effortlessly dodges it and lets out another roar.

Our soldiers are easily cutting away at the lines of NightShades. Both in animal forms and human. As I watch, I can see an invisible force shove NightShades out of the way and biting them in half. Oliver's Polar bear form appears a few seconds having been invisible. His huge, muscular white body is covered in blood doesn't stop even as arrows fly at him. He turns invisible again. Upon seeing both myself and Toryn coming toward the group from opposite directions, Tanya roars. It is an order and somehow, everyone understands. Fall Back. At once, a wave of animals and silver clad humans begin to rush from the bubble of NightShades. I watch as they relax for a few seconds as we retreat. Then, I see their confusion.

The NightShade King barks out an order and then they look up. I can smell their fear as I see their shaking bodies looking between me and Toryn as we fly toward them. I see something black flying toward me. I spin my body around and it whistles past my wing. It was a huge bolt, covered in BlackRoot. I know they can't fire another one. Not in time. Toryn and I are almost upon them.

There are a few moments of silence as everyone watches, unable to stop what is about to happen. Toryn and I take deep breaths and then it is all over.

We fly over the last huddled group of NightShades surrounding their king. As we fly, waves of fire and ice stream from our mouths. I stop gliding, pulling my wings behind me so I can hang in the air for a few moments as I let out another avalanche of millions of ice shards. There is a cloud of white surrounding me, but as Toryn flies over, it begins to glow red. Fire explodes around me, catching all the NightShades my magic missed. I can only imagine how we must look to everyone. Two, giant beasts almost suspended in the air as we crush our enemies in huge forces of ice and fire.

I move to another angle before letting out a final wave of my icy magic. Toryn does the same until there is nothing but smoke, steam and the smell of burning flesh and blood surrounding us.

It takes a few moments to clear, but eventually, we can see the destruction we have caused.

Toryn and I land, the ground shaking as we do so. Hundreds of bodies, surround one man. His shield is gone and he stands weekly. A giant shard of ice is embedded into his stomach. It buries into the ground, keeping him somewhat upright. It must have gone straight through his shield and into him, not stopping at his flesh and continuing until it his the more solid ground of the platform he stands on. I step forward, looking at the circle of bodies that surround his little stage. They are a mixture of charred remains and bloody impaled corpses. His eyes are slightly open as he looks over his own people. They died protecting him, yet he shows no sort of remorse or sorrow for their deaths. Instead, he looks at us with a pained rage.

Somehow, he is alive still. I walk toward him bringing my head to his body so I can look at him closely. He is perhaps the same size as my eye and I can see the fearful expression on his face as my breath almost blows him over. It would have if he wasn't impaled to the ground. I watch as sweat pours off his face and listed to his rapid breathing and racing heart. His eyes are wide as he looks over me. I can only imagine what it must feel like, looking into the eyes of a great beast. I take a deep breath as though I am about to let out more magic. I laugh darkly to myself as he closes his eyes and winces. I let out a powerful snort of disgust which causes his body to shake against the shard of ice. He lets out a pained moan and squeezes his eyes shut even tighter. A low, rattling growl leaves my body. It shudders through me as the terrifying, deep sound leaves my mouth. I want to continue taunting him, but decide against it. Instead, I shift back into my human form. The shift is a little smoother than earlier. It still takes every effort not to scream in pain however as my bones and muscles snap and reattach themselves to fit the human form. Finally, I stand before him.

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