"I think I should go now, since I've got to pack now. How many days?" I ask Kaya just to confirm.

"We're going tomorrow, then the day after that is the game, then we're staying there for one more day before leaving that night." I nod.

"So I'll bring a few outfits, like sixish." Kaya nods. 

"Okay, well I'm going to go. I'll see you both in Barcelona." I say to Marc and Will, giving them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I give the rest of the players a hug and then go outside and wait for the taxi that I phoned once I said goodbye to everyone. 

The taxi finally shows up so i quickly get inside after having lots of paparazzi surround me asking a lot of questions. Mainly about my recent break-up with singer Jason Monter. We broke up because he was sucked into the drugs side of fame and I didn't want involved with a person like that.

"Where to ma'am?" The taxi diver asks so I give him my address while taking out my phone and start to scroll through my twitter feed and start to tweet about tonight and about Kaya forcing me to go to Barcelona.

"Here you go ma'am." I thank him and hand him the money over, leaving a little tip.

I get out of the taxi and take out my keys and unlock my house door and take off my high heels that are killing my feet. I take my dress of and throw it into my living room before traveling up stairs in my underwear. Going into my cupboard I take out my large black and white striped suitcase and go into my wardrobe.

I'm not meaning to sound spoiled or a rich bitch when I say walk into my wardrobe, I only have a walk in wardrobe because I get so many clothes from all of the shoots I do.

I pick out a lot of underwear and a lot of bikinis and bathing suits. I also pack a lot of dresses, shorts, skirts and t-shirts. 

I'm a bad packer. I practically pack all of my wardrobe for going to Kaya's house for a sleepover.

I end up having to take out one outfit out so I can shut the suitcase. I bring my suitcase back down the stairs and set it at the front door.

I yawn, stretching up on my tip toes and stretching my arms up before going back up stairs. When I reach the top landing I hear my phone ringing in my room. Jogging slightly I pick up the phone and look at the unknown number, not knowing what to do I press answer and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask and sit down on my bed.

"Baby, Ang, it's me Jason...I love you so much, come meet me." Jason shouts down the phone, loud music playing in the background.

"Jason, I changed my number how did you get this?" I ask him running a hand through my hair as I lean back on my bed.

"Baby I have ways to get your number, baby please come, I miss you."

"Jason!" I snap,"I hate you, stop calling me, I don't want you any more." I hang up the phone and throw my phone onto my bed side table before snuggling up in the covers and try to get to sleep.


"Wake up, wake up , wake up." A loud voice shouts before a large weight jumps on top of me, making me groan loudly and push them of me and get up out of my bed and look at the brunette lying on the ground next to my bed.

"What the hell Kaya, how did you even get in my house?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"I have a key remember, now come'n get ready. I've got us and earlier flight at eight, so quickly take a shower, shove on a pair of underwear and a dress and then we can head to BARCELONA!" She shouts making me wince. I lean over and grab my phone.

It's six o'clock in the morning.

I glare at her before getting out of my bed and going for a shower. I scrub all over my body with the Victoria's Secret bath scrubs that I got from being in their show.

"I've picked out an outfit for you for tomorrow night because I don't trust your choices right now." I walk out of the shower and look at the white jeans with a black crop top and a colourful blazer.

"Fine." I say and notice that Kaya has brought my suitcase back up the stairs and is now looking through it.

She starts unpacking some clothes and puts in different clothes.

"Really?" I ask and she nods.

"What if you meet a sexy footballer?"

"But we're going to a soccer game." I say and she glares.

"It's football in most countries, Marc calls it football so I call it football." I laugh a little and help her close up the suitcase after she basically just re-packed me.

"Come'n it's time to go now." Kaya says and pulls me up off the floor and I pull my suitcase along with me and grab my passport out of my underwear drawer and lock the door when we're outside. 

"I'm just going to give Mrs Vander my keys so I only have to worry about the Barcelona apartment keys." I inform Kaya before running over the street to Mrs Vander's house. Mrs Vander is one of those cliche old ladies that you could trust with anything.

I trust her with the keys to my house while I'm away.

I give her my keys and while she tries to have a big long conversation with me I have to explain that I have a plane to catch.

Once I explain to Mrs Vander that I can't talk I quickly climb into Kaya's car and we drive to the airport.


"Ahh I love Barcelona." Kaya shouts walking out of the airport and then starts saying things in Spanish so quickly that I don't even understand her. 

"Come'n I'll get a taxi." I say but she shakes her head.

"No Marc is coming to pick us up." Kaya points to her phone so I nod and sit down at a bench outside the airport with my suitcase to my right.

"Here he is." Kaya says so I walk my suitcase into the trunk of the car before Marc drives us towards my apartment.


New story.

It a football/ soccer story. 

Where I'm from(Scotland) it's called football so it'll probably be called that the entire story, maybe soccer will be mention once or twice but mostly it will be called football.

I hope you enjoy it.

Comment, vote and follow me please.

(I made up Will Lima, mainly because he's going to be a big part of the story line and I just didn't want him to be a real person.)

The Footballer's Girlfriend (Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now