"First let's talk about Lucius Malfoy." The Minister sighed. "Why didn't you report Lucius earlier?"

"Because Draco didn't know what he did." I awnsered immediately.

"May I see your scars?" He asked and I showed him my arms. "Yes, definitely the Crutious curse. Now what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"When I died, I saw death and he said he was going to resurrect me because I had a fate to complete when I asked him what ut was he said that he couldn't tell me and I had to go to the hall of prophecies to find out what it was." I explained.

"So you want access to the hall of prophecies." He said to himself. "How about I look for it and when I find it I send Dumbledore an owl?"

"Okay but you better not be lying to me because I hate when people lie to me." I awnsered him.

"Of course." He agreed, "It's an honourable thing you did her today. Freed a man who didn't do anything than ratted out a Noble man for using an unforgivable curse."

"When you sent me the letter asking me to testify, I knew everyone was going to find out my deepest darkest secret." I sighed. "I better go back to Sirius, I need to talk to him about something." Than I walked away from the Minister and back to Sirius.

"So, let's finish that conversation." Sirius said. "Before you ask, you are free to live at Grinwald Place with me since I doubt you will be able to go back to the Malfoy's."

"You read my mind. Draco will be pissed at me but it had to be done." I sighed. "I just don't know how I will protect Fred and George now."

"Look at me." Sirius said as he put his hands on my shoulders, "They will be fine. Do you think Molly Wesley of all people would let your mother even touch one of her sons?"

"Good point." I slightly chuckled.

"And Athens, you need to know you can't save everyone." He told me.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't try." I awnsered honestly.

"You are a brave girl, I still don't understand why they put you in Slytherin." He smiled.

"I say it's because I am a direct descendent of Salazar Slytherin." I shrugged.

"Makes sense." He shrugged as well. "When I get home I'll owl Harry and tell him he is free to live with us if he wants and I'll pick the two of you up from 9 3/4 at the end of the year."

"You are the best, Sirius. Thank you." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

The Great Hall

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and walked over to Harry.

"Harry." I said getting his attention.

"Athens! How did the trail go?" Harry asked.

"Sirius Black has been set free." I smiled at him.

"Are you serious?!" He smiled at me.

"No, I'm not Sirius, I'm Athens." I joked.

"No. Just, no." He sighed.

"Anyway he is going to send you an owl, I have to go to talk to Draco before news hits the papers." I sighed than walking over to Draco, I instantly sat down next to him. "Draco, we need to talk."

"About what?" Draco asked me.

"You're probably going to hate me after this but I wanted to tell you before you found out from the newspaper." I sighed than spit it out, "I may have gotten your father arrested for using the Cruciatus Curse on me." He looked at me with mixed emotions.

"I don't know what to say, Athens." He sighed, "I am kinda mad at you but after hearing what he did to you he deserves it. You are probably the only one who puts me in my place when I need it, and your my favorite cousin. I hate knowing that my own father hurt you."

"Draco, because of everything I am going to go live with Sirius this summer." I admitted.

"Just promise to write."

"I will." Than I went over and sat next to Fred and George.

"So, how'd the trail go?" Fred asked and I explained it all. "Hey, we can see each other more this summer." We all smiled at that.

"This is going to be a great summer." George smiled. "We can work more on our products for The Weasley's Riddle too."

Platform 9 and 3/4

Fred, George and I stepped off the Hogwarts Express and on to the Platform. Sirius did as he promised and was there like an excited parent seeing his kids again, well, cousin and god-son.

"Owl us." Fred and George said at the same time.

"Of course." I smiled as we made our separate ways. I walked towards Sirius, Harry walking next to me.

"This is going to be a great summer." Harry smiled.

"Agreed." I nodded.

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