Ruby followed the lace and floral lines of the wallpapers with her eyes, looking far behind the walls and back to the past. She was young and innocent but the carnage was brought to her early when her mother was killed in front by a man with snow-white hair in an elegant white suit, holding a dust crystal tipped lance. A newly born vampire watched in horror as she lost the anchor to her sanity to a Schnee.

It has been long since then and so much has happened, so many killed.

Losing her mother was not easy, her hunger got worse and worse, her emotions amok and wild, and nothing were more important but revenge by killing her mother's murderer. Ruby lost herself when she was young and it bit her back after.

Blood was an easy temptation to succumb to as well as hunger that needed to be satisfied. It is always there. But Ruby was just freed from imprisonment and being overwhelmed was the last thing she needed to be. Weiss might not be safe for her, or the other way around, but she might be a reason why she hasn't been out of control just yet.

Ruby didn't see nor notice that her eyes had drooped to sleep until she was shaken awake by Weiss. She recollected her bearings as she rubbed sleep off her eyes.

"Ruby, wake up. Get dressed. Breakfast is ready." Weiss quickly informed her, heading to open her velvet curtains. "Wash up and get dressed so we won't be late."

The heiress pulled her up from laying down and shook her awake once more. She was tossed her new uniform which she caught in her hand. "Meet me downstairs."

"Not even a thank you for taking you to bed?" Ruby queried, stretching her limbs before slipping off the bed to immediately wash up and change to her clothes.

Weiss frowned as she turned flustered in the middle of the vampire's room. She didn't mean to fall asleep in the archives and be found by Ruby. It was unlike her to be found like that but she was thankful that Ruby brought her to bed, else her back would be hurting.

"Thank you, I suppose." She smiled to herself before she headed out of the room. "See you at breakfast."

Ruby peaked her head out just in time to see Weiss' smile a second before she was gone through the door. Her housemate sure has a pretty smile. She resumed changing and headed downstairs with a sling bag of school things, her weapon at her back.

Weiss had started breakfast without her. The smell of coffee was what reeled the scythe wielder to the table. Ruby sat next to Weiss, dropping her bag by her side before she started eating. Weiss looked up at her, flustered pink by the cheeks.

Ruby met her eyes but it was the first time she stopped to look and searched for something in them. Her baby blue eyes trapped her silver orbs. She lost her breath as they held her frozen as they reminded her of the beauty of winter.

It took her a moment or two to reel herself back but Weiss' lips curled to a smile, her eyes unmoving. They were having a conversation through their expressive gazes. It made Ruby stiffen, her heart racing.

What was it that made her uneasy to have a staring contest with Weiss like this? She was just staring in her beautiful icy blue eyes yet there was something else deep inside them.

Call it magic or anything else: she saw a glimpse of it. The harsh ice that kills, robbing people and beings of their lives. It was inside there, making her hand tremble. The harsh winter and magic of creation that can take life as it can create.

"Ruby...?" The heiress called on to her, holding her hand with her own cold ones which sent a shock to Ruby.

She looked up at Weiss and she was there, looking at her worried. "Weiss?"

"Eat. We'll be late." She was reminded, returning back to reality. She looked down at her untouched plate of food and started eating but she can still see the images she saw from Weiss' eyes. What was that? What was that horrifying cold?

Weiss frowned. Ruby looked in her eyes for a second, a quick frightening second. Fear welled in her, something gripping her heart like cold chains and spikes. She should have known better than to think that way. Intentions are everything when it came to her "condition". One wrong thought and everything might go south real quick.

Breakfast went through fine. Weiss asked how was Ruby's weekend and Ruby was happy to tell her the story. Everything went well it seemed and the heiress was glad that it did. Soon, the time for stories has passed and it was time for them to hit the road to head to their first day of school.

Weiss brought her necessities and a few simple things a student should have. Lockers were promised and she had sent the school their battle clothes in advance. Books and manuals have been sent through their scrolls and the rumor of teams has been in the air for a long while.

The heiress was ready for her first day of class and so was Ruby.

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