The Seer

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It was beautiful. In a weird, wonderous sort of way. It felt like we had stepped into a painting. Fresh sweet grass covered the floor. Windy trees grew up from the ground on small grassy hills. Miniature waterfalls trickled and ran everywhere, and spotless white flowers grew about our feet. However, the atmosphere was anything but tranquil.

Everywhere fairy folk danced. While musicians played light wooden instruments I didn't recognize on a black granite platform that patrolled out of a grassy hill. A mind-blowingly beautiful black woman with swirling inky patterns running along her smooth skin and around her bald head stood and sang in a language I didn't recognize.

The pink liquid is thick purple petals were being passed around by tiny winged goblins, it was like a nature-themed club. My mind couldn't fathom the amount of magic it was taking to create the illusion of the dark starry sky that was above us.

"Holy shit,"  I whispered.

"My thoughts exactly," Dante replied.

"What do we do now?" I asked, looking around the gigantic buzzing area.

Dante looked around, "every fairy den has a direct portal to the royal palace, if Ben was caught, he'll be in there by now. "

I nodded, "alright, fan-out, blend in, figure out if they've taken ben or not. And keep an eye for the portal."

Dante's eyes fell on me, "yes ma'am."

I nodded, "meet back here in fifteen minutes."

Then we split.

I made my way through crowds of dancing people, wincing when a man with dark slimy reeds for hair fell into me, stinking of fat berry juice. I bumped into a girl, turned to apologize and surprise paralyzed me for a split second as her lips pulled up exposing sharp fangs and flashing purple eyes.

Pink drinks were pushed at me from all sides and I felt suddenly suffocated. A hand grasped my wrist and I was pulled out of the chaos.


My eyes snapped onto the woman who had been singing on the platform when we first arrived. I opened my mouth to ask how she knew my name but she shook her head quickly.

"I see Carrie, your mate isn't here. He's been taken."

I looked her up and down wildly,

"How can I..."

"You don't have a choice Carrie, trust me, or be discovered and taken away yourself. Those are the outcomes."

I nodded slowly and she gestured for me to follow her.

We began making our way through the crowd together. Suddenly her hand shot out into a gigantic group next to us and ripped someone's wrist. With one quick tug, a baffled Dante was pulled next to us.

"Carrie? Who the hell is this?"

"I am the woman who's going to save your ass. So I'd keep quiet if I were you, wolf."

Dante's eyes widened and I smiled quietly to myself.

Eventually,  we made it to the bar, made of granite and wood, a small blue stream running quietly next to it. The girl immediately took charge.

"I need to get through the portal Jhono."

A man in a bar tender's suit, with chestnut hair and fish gills running up the side of his face, turned to face us.

"Bonolo, looking sexy as always."

The girl leaned toward him, both hands on the bar counter, her eyes flashing to an inky black, even I felt intimated.

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