Floor Failure and Fae

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We were making good ground, it was only 7 am but our quick pace helped us make the distance. I kept fairly quiet, trying to strategize in my head. Once we had the cup, things became unpredictable.

Essentially it was Rent and his goons against Dante Ben and I. And with bombs in our necks, I didn't like our odds.

Somehow we had to get a replica, replace it with the original, all while trying to stay in the clear with Rent and his boys.

It felt impossible and it was more than likely going to end in a blood bath. Suddenly there was a harsh cry from our front line. I rushed forward and was quickly pulled back by my shirt.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

Rent shook his head next to me. "It's some type of underground den, the floor just caved in."

I peered past him, a huge deep hole loomed in front of us. It was as wide as a house and too deep to see the bottom. Dante was pacing next to the hole, his hands tangled in his hair.

'There are only one species that would dig that deep to hide a den," he looked up at me and sighed. "I can't stand Fae."

My eyes widened in surprise, "It's a fairy den?"

Rent smirked next to me, "Don't think Tinkerbelle, we would be talking about any kind of fairy folk. Not just pretty wings and sparkly dust."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Okay so we just avoid the den big deal."

Rent grinned, "I didn't peg you for the abandoning type."

I looked up at him, confused, then glanced around our group. And it hit me,

Ben was missing.



My back hurt like hell, I growled, standing up and rolling my shoulders. A dark tunnel with walls of soil stretched out in front of me. Fae. It had to be Fae.

My wolf growled for Carrie, and I chided him in my head. She's above us and Dante will look after, relax.

My wolf growled at the very thought of Dante and I sighed, giving up and leaning against the dirt wall behind me.

It was probably best to stay put, especially if the group above me were figuring out a rescue plan. But if I was right, and this was a Fae den it was better to reveal myself and ask for help then be discovered.

My roundabout thoughts were suddenly interrupted by soft chiming music.

It was coming from further down the tunnel, like wind chimes but more melodic, the light music swirled in my ears. I let out a breath as the tune fizzed in my blood, making my head spin, making my body crave for it. I began to walk, slowly following the music.

I'm not sure how long I walked, but the soil walls on either side of me had become walls of cold flat round grey stone.

Trickling water run down the stones and the air felt cold and crisp. Finally, the tunnel ended, a  thick curtain of thin vines with twisty leaves fell in front of me like a green barrier.

I could hear the sweet music from the other side, and without a second thought, I stepped through.


God, she's gorgeous when she's worried. Carrie was still pacing, that chocolatey hair was mesmerizing.  Suddenly she stopped,

"Screw this, let's just go in after him."

Rent rolled his eyes, "we've been through this, we aren't going down there the Fae probably already have him by now. Besides you'd be facing possible death, Carrie."

She threw her hands up as if that meant nothing, "So what? It's Ben. We're a team and we aren't leaving him behind."

Rent's fists clenched. "I am not risking my life for someone who was stupid enough to fall down a Fae hole. And neither are you."

Carrie turned to me expectantly and I nodded at her, letting her know I was with her, immediately she visibly relaxed.

A little part of me loved that I could support her, that my support made her calm.

"We aren't leaving Ben, it isn't an option. So let's stop wasting time, and figure out a plan."

Rent shook his head, gritting his teeth. Carrie and I glared him down and eventually, he let out an angry breath, running his hands through his hair.

"Fine. But let the record show that I wanted to keep going."

Carrie glanced at me, and we grinned.

"Okay so firstly, we need to find something to block our ears. Fae has a thing for charm tunes. Then we need disguises, if we go in there looking like this, we won't get past the first fairy who sees us."

Carrie smiled at me, impressed,

"How do you know so much?"

"Long story short, I pissed off one gorgeous pixie. She made my life hell."

Rent held back a snort,

"Hey man, don't underestimate a pixie! They're ruthless!"

I shuddered, remembering my evil ex, "so many spells, so much diarrhoea."

Carrie cringed next to me, "TMI man."

"You don't even know the half of it. This one time she,"

Carrie stepped forward, frantically cutting me off. "Enough talk, where do we get disguises?"

I shrugged but Rent stepped forward.

"I think," he looked like he really didn't want to say his next sentence out loud, "I think I have a plan."

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