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I fell onto my bed, gripping my bleeding side. Goblins. They had attacked the house, and they weren't the first. Someone had leaked my location, all kinds of creatures were attacking throughout the week, trying to recapture the "Future Valderian Queen."

Rent had called, he still hadn't gotten a confession from his guards. The mole on our team was still unknown.

Whoever it was leaked our information all over our lands. My address, my unmated relationship with Ben. The Creeds who had attacked yesterday even mentioned Dante and me, right before I clawed my way through their scales.

It couldn't be Dante, Ben or Bonolo, I trusted Rent completely. It had to be the guards.

It took a good twenty minutes before I had tended to, and covered up every wound. I threw my hair up, then walked down the stairs, Megan was still on the couch, her eyes still blood red from crying.

Ben had broken up with her two days ago. The first day, she threw the tantrum to end all tantrums. Vases broke, Ben got clawed, and a window was shattered.

It was only the second day that she started to cry. I'd never felt more guilty in my life. I wanted to leave, to get out. I had to escape this. But Ben was making it beyond impossible.

Every day he minds linked me, forcing me to the packhouse for some social event. It seemed they were constantly doing something together. I'd been on picnics, to barbecues, even rock climbing.

The pack was incredible. Love seemed to warm the air around me whenever I was with even one of the members. It was intoxicating, beautiful and unbearably familiar. The undying, unquestionable love of family. I had to constantly remind myself to keep them out, to keep all of it out, especially him.

I pulled up near the packhouse, my palms sweating in nervousness. I walked into his office. Keeping my face stoic, keeping my walls as high as possible. I wouldn't let him read me, let him see right through me like he usually does.


His head snapped up to look at me.


His eyes raced over my body, then our gazed locked and his eyes burned into mine. I sucked in a breath, steadying my resolve.

"I want to talk to you."

"Okay," he replied slowly, searching my face. Trying hard to figure me out.

"I want you to unbrand me, Ben."

I'd never asked like this, never a formal request. This conversation was always an explosion. The topic was only brought up in fights and usually screamed between us.

His eyes flashed, "no."

I clenched and unclenched my fists, working to keep calm. "Ben. It's the logical thing to do." His fingers curled, gripping at the desk.

"How? In what way is letting you gallivanting on suicide missions, every second minute, logical?"

I grit my teeth, my words strained, but civil, "that's not what I'm asking for Ben. I won't become a guardian again."

My voice shook a little, and I stepped closer to his desk.

"If I'm not a guardian, you have no reason to worry. Unbrand me."

Ben's lip pulled over his teeth in a deep growl. "You're a part of the pack now Carrie."

I shake my head quickly, "I don't belong here, Ben."

"Liar." He growled out, knowing full well how quickly I was accepted. How others had become my friends. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"I don't want to belong here. I won't be a guardian, there is no reason to keep this on me."

Ben slammed his hands on the desk, "no Carrie!"

"Why not?" I ask, keeping my voice a shakey even.

He paused for a split second...

"Trouble follows you around like a magnet, you need protection."

"You're grasping at straws!" I cry angrily.

My eyes close as I try frantically to stay calm. I decided to bite the bullet, it pulled painfully at my very being.

"Please Ben," I whisper a plea, a beg. I never beg.

Ben froze and I looked up at him in silence. He was staring at me, tormented, trying to break through the mask.

"Talk to me, Carrie. I can help you."

I hold back a growl, "I am talking to you, Ben. I don't want this crest. I never have. I'm requesting that you unbrand me."

He snarled and I tried not to growl back.

"Request denied." He snapped

"Then I request time out of the pack, I need to leave town for a little."

He slumped back in his seat. "Denied. You aren't going anywhere."

I almost lunged at him, instead, I stumble back, just managing to keep it together.

"This isn't fair Ben."

He shrugged, "neither is life, I'll see you at training."

My comeback is hot in my mouth, it burns the lining of my lips but I bite it back. I pivot and walk out of the office, having no idea what to do with my firing fury.

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