Pubs and Punching bags

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Carrie left immediately after dinner. I ached to be near her, god knows what the stubborn woman was up to now. Stay I told myself, your fiance is here, you're meant to ache for her. Megan began squealing about napkin colours, it pushed me to the edge. I made a lame-ass excuse and left. If allowed her scent all the way down the street and around the corner to a gym. I sighed at the sight of a girl with chocolate hair weaved into a plait, wearing tights and a crop top, beating the crap out of a punching bag. Every word said the punching bag went swinging.



"Son of a,"

"Carrie!" I called.

I turned, he stood watching me, a mixture of anger and amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Leave me alone Ben," I said, fixing my plait. His eyes followed my movement, it was a lethal look, designed to make my heart race. I walked past him, and It hurt to break eye contact.

"Carrie, wait."

I stopped but kept my back to him.

"The pack is Grubbing tonight, I want you to come with us."


He chuckled and stepped toward me,

"Underground friendy fighting, wolves challenge each other. There's even some betting."

Admittedly it sounded like fun if you minus Ben from the equation. Memories of the pain that coursed through me at the dinner raced through my mind. I looked down at my palm. He was ruining my life. I spun on my heel

"Is that a request or a demand?"

Ben sighed, "It depends on your answer."

I growled, "In that case, you can go straight to hell."

He snarled and stepped right into my space.

"In that case, its a demand let's take the shortcut."

We ended up across the street from a pub with the words The Grub flashing in neon red letters above the door.

"I get it now, grubbing," I said examining the pub. "That's funny," I stated, dully.

Ben shook his head, ignoring my sarcasm.

"Give it a chance Carrie."

We walked to the pub and he pushed the squeaky door, holding it open for me. I put a hand on his wrist and looked up at him.

"I wouldn't be here, with you, if you hadn't branded me. I'm you're prisoner Ben. Remember that."

He nodded slowly but his eyes watched mine, agonized.

Then I walked through and we made our way down some steps at the back of the pub. The staircase opened up into a fighting ring. Wolves filled the space, some watching the current fight, some just socializing. Excitement buzzed in the air and I plastered on a flat expression to hide the anticipation building in my stomach.

I was swirled into a world of wolves and within seconds, Ben and I were separated. The pack accepted me completely, and with absolute kindness, my wolf was giddy with happiness.

By 9 o clock, I was standing with a group, two boys and a girl, enjoying the light-hearted banter and chatting. I kept Ben out of our conversation, they didn't need to know I was forced into this. They also would know about Ben's engagement to Meg, they undoubtedly thought she was Ben's mate, I wasn't about to tell them otherwise.

One of the boys, Will, had blood running down his temple, a direct clash with his sparkling blue eyes. He had faced the reigning champion in the ring and lost. I itched for action as yet another wolf limped away from the ring, the same champion still prowling about, waiting for the next challenge. Will saw me admiring his wound and he looked me up and down,

"Do you fight Carrie?"
I opened my mouth to answer but I was beaten to the chase.

"No, she doesn't."

Immediately the bodies of the group around me straightened, a sign of respect for their alpha. My fists clenched,

"You don't speak for me."

Ben just chuckled from behind me, and I felt his arms drape naturally around my waist.

"Was I wrong? Do you fight?"

I growled, he was the reason I was no longer a fighter, and he was shoving it in my face. Now that it was his decision I knew there was no way he'd even let me make up part of the pack's army.

"No," I snarled, turning my head to the side as he held me from behind, "No you're not wrong, saviour the moment, it doesn't happen often."

The horrified stares of the wolves around me in response to my disrespect of their alpha didn't go unnoticed. I just didn't care. But Ben just chuckled again,

"I was right about something else too."
He whispered.

"Oh?" I asked.

"You're having fun, Carrie."

I tensed and resisted snapping at his neck.

"You have no clue how I feel."

He smiled and leaned a little closer, "You're glowing."

Then his hands slid away, and he disappeared back into the crowd.

"What was that about? Asked Will.

"You're alpha, is an ass," I hissed.

Another cheer rose up as the reigning champion won yet another fight, preventing me from having to elaborate.

A girl standing on my left tugged at my arm and I followed her a little way away from the group as the boys chattered about the champion.

"Do it, Carrie."

I raised an eyebrow,

"Fight, I know you want to."

I stared at the girl with the inky black hair and sparkling green eyes.

"It will cause trouble, if..." I trailed off, not wanting to tell her my idiot mate and sister's fiance would kill me for it.

She shook her head, "I won't tell Ben. And he's talking to the beta in the pub anyway."

I raised an eyebrow, and she smiled
"I'm his cousin, Becky. I know what he did to you."

I nodded trying not to show my anger at the memory.

Becky grinned wickedly, "Even if he does find out, what better way to show him where to stick that fucking mark? He had no right."

I cracked a grin so wide it hurt. Tears almost fell from my eyes as I hugged her. She got it, she understood my anger. She reinforced the fact that my fury was justified, and I loved her for it. She gave me one last reassuring smile as I pulled away, Then I turned and run toward the ring.

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