Weapons and Walking

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Ben woke me before sunrise. It didn't really matter, mainly because I hadn't slept all, and lying on a soft mattress for hours gets boring. I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Megan.

The pack had supplied us with clothes fit for long-distance missions. I kept my dark denim skinny jeans from the day before, pulled on the soft leather hiking boots that were just a little too big. Then nibbled my lip looking, at the shirt options.

Eventually opting for a deep purple tank. Dante, Ben and the wolf who brought us to the alpha met me in the hallway. From there we made a beeline for the weapons room.

The clicking of metal was the only sound as we suited up for the mission. I lifted up a pair of sleek knives and began spinning lightly in my hands.

"There's something about a girl with a weapon."

I turned around and Dante was smirking at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ben stiffen, but I chose to ignore it.

"It would help if she knew how to use them, Carrie talks big, I've never seen her in combat."

My eyes shifted to the one who had spoken, the wolf, the asshole was smirking at me and I gave him a light smile.

Then I flew at him. Within seconds I had him locked against the stone wall, the thin blade of my knife inches from his throat.

"At least tell me the name of the boy I could kill at any moment," I whispered icily into his face.

His eyebrows raised in surprise and his impressed expression was beautifully priceless. He looked me up and down, then his eyes fell on the knife.

"Point made Carrie. Let me go."

Dante and Ben were standing, watching us with their arms crossed, both boys smirking slightly.

"I believe the lovely lady asked for your name," Dante called easily, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

I grinned and lifted the blade a little closer to his throat.

His eyes widened and he looked up at me slightly panicked.

"Florian James The Second, but, but everyone calls me Rent."

I smiled easily and pulled the blade away from his throat.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

Rent stumbled to the side muttering a little and rubbing his neck lightly.
I fitted the blades into my belt, then spent some time pulling on more weapons before everyone was ready.

"So, now what?"

"Now we get the map from my alpha, my boys will meet us in the foyer. Then we leave."
I glanced at Ben then back at Rent.

"There's a map?"

He nodded, pulling a backpack over his shoulder.

"It takes us to a certain point, then its all on Valderian over there to lead the way."

We all looked at Dante and he shrugged like it was nothing. "Fine, not like I know what I am doing, but sure."

Rent sneered as he headed out the door,

"Better figure it out soon, don't forget the little bomb in your neck; I can practicality hear it ticking."

Dante glanced at us, rolling his eyes.

"Well, isn't he just a bundle of joy."

We had been walking for hours. The path was mountainous and my legs were beginning to ache.

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