Of All The Wolves In Oxford

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I was tired, no scratch that I was absolutely exhausted. Training had been heavy, and my muscles ached as I moved. I flung open the door, headed to the kitchen and almost cried in pure happiness at the sight of the fridge. Food, I thought greedily, my dearest most loyal friend how I  have missed your deliciousness. I scanned the shelves for something good to eat, my mind moving to upcoming events.

Meg would be home soon, hauling in her new fiance. I hadn't met the bloke yet, they had been on a romantic cruise getaway all summer. Now that they were back, I'll finally be able to see him in the flesh. She sounded happy over the phone and I was happy for her, just a little too tired and sweaty to be excited right at this moment.

But then, just as my eyes landed on the grapes, the most incredible scent filled the kitchen. Dark coffee beans dancing impossibly well with the soft freshness of a summer rain

"No," I whispered. "No, that's impossible."

I spun around, slamming the fridge door shut. A tall boy with toned arms, broad shoulders and chestnutty hair stood watching me. His chest heaved as he breathed in my own scent, and  I saw his warm brown eyes flash green just before he pushed me hard up against the cold surface of the fridge.

"Mine" he growled softly.

My wolf screamed 'mate' in my head and it took everything in me to block her out. He kissed hurridly at my neck and I bit my lip hard to stop from moaning.

"Get off me." I tried, the words sounding strange and course.

He growled lowly near my ear, his lips still grazing my neck.

He was an alpha, I knew it immediately. Taking orders went against his nature. His very presence was programmed to expect respect. Not only had I given him an order, but my struggles were also direct disobedience.

He pushed me harder into the fridge and I struggled uselessly against his iron grip. All the while fighting internally with my wolf. She was desperately trying to take over and I could feel her starting to win.

With the last of my strength, I flicked my wrists, turning them to paws. With a growl, I sunk my claws into his shoulders, making him freeze.

"My sister is going to walk in, in less than 30 seconds. If she sees us like this, it will crush her."

He tightened his grip and stared angrily into my eyes.

"And if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you myself."

He was furious. So was I. But I was also right, and he knew it.

Growling, he stepped back and a second later Meg walked in.

"Carrie!" She squealed, skipping into the kitchen and latching onto the arm of the boy who had me locked against the fridge only moments before.

"I see you've met my Ben."

All I managed was a nod, the sight of them together made my stomach churn. Meg began talking, most probably about their cruise. I couldn't process a word she was saying.

"So anyway we're going to have a movie night tonight, wanna join us?"
Her question snapped me out of my slow moment and I shook my head viciously. My wolf was growling at me in my mind, clawing to get Meg off Ben and leave her with some deep-set scars in the process. I ignored her.

"I'm actually not feeling great. I think I'll go up to my room."

I listened as Meg whined about my absence from her themed movie night. Apologised again, then all but fled to my room.

Once in the safety of my dark purple walls, I let the panic set in. Why, of all the wolves in oxford did I have to mate with him? My whole life had been about my mission, having a mate never entered my mind long enough for serious consideration.

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