Sexual Tension is Distracting

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We'd been walking for hours. Carrie stayed at the back of the group, keeping her head down as she walked.

Dante stayed in front of her, he too was lost in thought, and they didn't speak, much to my relief.

Seeing them, laughing the way they did, The way he looked at her, it took everything in me not to rip out his throat as they came up from their swim.

Carrie couldn't see it. She was infuriating. Blind, gorgeous and fucking infuriating.

The sun was beginning to sink, and we were still walking uphill, near the rocky mountains. A nipping breeze blew against us every now and again, and I wondered if Carrie was cold.

Her chocolate waves were blowing into light tangles across her face when the wind blew and I tried to see if she was shivering, but I was too far in front of her.

We kept walking, only stopping when the stars sprung out, and by that time we were well into the rocky mountains, setting up camp in one of the rock caves that settled into the mountain's surface.

Rent made up a small fire and we all stayed quiet, staring at the flames in a messy semi-circle.

"We'll reach skeleton Forrest tomorrow, then it's up to Dante to lead us."

I glanced at Rent, then my eyes flicked to Dante.

"Sounds good to me, let's hope we don't get lost."

His answer was confident, but I knew him well enough to know it was fake.

"You better not get us lost pretty boy, your life is on the line."

Dante's eyes narrowed on Rent.

"Alright asshole, I'm aware."

"What did you just call me?" Rent demanded standing up.

Dante scrambled up and faced him.

"You've been a dick to me from day one, for no goddamn reason. How about I give you a fucking reason."

Rent's eyes blazed, "Is that a challenge pretty boy? Because I'll kill you in seconds if that's what you want."

Dante stepped forward grinning,

"Go for it, then have your dumbass alpha rip your throat out for killing the Valderian."

Rent froze, his fists clenched, then he turned on his heel and stormed out of the cave.

Carrie stood, walking to Dante's side, and talking quietly near his shoulder. Dante turned to look at her. Their eyes locked warmly and slowly Dante sat back down.

Then she began making her way to the cave opening, going after Rent.
I was up in seconds, gripping her wrist.

"Carrie," I warned, hating the idea of her going after an angry wolf.
She looked up at me, her eyes tired.

"Let me go, Ben."

"No, I don't want you going after him, I don't,"

"I really couldn't care less about what you want." She seethed, wrenching her wrist away and walking out of the cave.

I turned around, Dante's eyes were trained on the fire, and both of Rent's silent guards were staring at me. My focus flicked to Dante,

"What did she say to you?" I growled.

He looked up at me, looking bored, and exhausted, "what?"

I stepped toward him, "you were furious, I saw it. Then she walks over to you and now suddenly you're as calm as a fucking Buda. So what the fuck did she say to you?"

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