Bookshelves and Bummers

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"You're an idiot."


"A bloody idiot Carrie."

I growled and Dante snarled, he flew at me, pummelling me into the bookshelf. He was painfully close, and he spoke his words into the crook of my neck.

"We had a plan, Carrie. I get the cup, then we find a way to make a replica. When did we agree on you throwing yourself into the mission?"

I breathed hard against him, gripping his shoulders.

"I'm not sorry. I wasn't going to let you do this alone."

His grip tightened and he glared at me.

"Look, I've already gotten this from Ben. The facts remain, I'm coming with you, I'm not sorry and it isn't going to change."

He searched my face then slowly pulled away, "You're one stubborn girl Carrie Stewart."

I smiled bitterly, "so I've been told."

He shook his head watching me, and I smiled as his tense muscles slowly relaxed.

"Thank you, for, for caring Carrie."

I grinned rolling my eyes, "of course. Now, let's talk about the mission. I want, "

The door slammed open and the wolf who had brought us to the alpha strolled in. "The girls are meant to be in bed."

we stilled, watching him.

"What are you doing here Carrie?"

I studied him, "I could ask you the same thing."

The wolf grinned, his washed-out blue eyes, grilling me.

"Its lights out campers. We want you up bright and early for tomorrow."

His eyes fell on Dante and his lips pulled up in a sneer. "One wrong move and you go Kaboom Valderian."

I growled lightly and he looked back at me, his eyes steely.

"Let's go, Carrie, I'm taking you to bed."

Dante stepped in front of me. "Fuck no, I'll take her."

"She'll be safe with me."

"She'd be safer with a rabid bear."

I stepped to Dante's side, my hand slid over his shoulder in acknowledgement, then I faced the wolf in front of me.

"She is capable of walking to a room by herself." I stepped closer, keeping my gaze steady,

"And just for the record, you wouldn't be safe with me."

Then I pushed past him and made my way down the hall, bummed that I couldn't discuss plans for tomorrow. I reached the door and opened it slowly, ready to sleep in preparation for the mission.

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