Fists, Fighting and Link Losses

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I cried until pale light splattered across the dark sky. I knew Ben wasn't going to change his mind about this. It was over. My sister had lost her fiance, and it was my fault.

Ben set out a breakfast of pheasant cooked for my benefit on a small fire. He said nothing, I didn't touch the food, he didn't push me to, and we ignored my red-rimmed eyes.

We walked in silence, and I kept my eyes ahead, staying in front of him by a couple of feet. Evening came too quickly, and soon golden light began to fade to darkness.

"We should stop, it'll be pitch black soon."

I kept walking and didn't bother facing him.

"You can, I 'll keep going."

"We can't split up Carrie." He replied.

"So don't stop."

Then his hand was on my elbow and he spun me around to face him.

"It's going to be dark. We've been walking for hours. We have to rest if you want to make progress tomorrow."

I glared at him and wrenched my elbow away. "I'm fine, I can keep going. I'm not stopping."

I watch as he sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"You're letting your emotions dictate you, Carrie."

I growled,  "I'm stuck with an arrogant asshole intent on breaking my sister's heart. Excuse me for wanting to get this over with."

His eyes flash. "Watch it"

We stood rigid and glaring at each other.

"We're stopping Carrie, that's an order."

My teeth clenched, "fine." I said tightly.

Then I spun around and began clearing away the heavy leaves from the next clearing.

We collected twigs and logs from fire. By nightfall, the warmth from our fire blanketed our little space. Soft crackling sang gently in my ears as calm night sounds surrounded us. I stared into the flames and Ben emerged from the boarding Forrest.

He smelled like the woods and game. The soft thudding sound of his footsteps was a familure sort of comfort as he made his way toward me.

Instantly felt safe and warm, much to my irritation.

"There're pheasants in the next clearing," 

I shook my head, cutting him off, "I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat Carrie."

My eyes flicked to his and he met my gaze steadily. "I'll hunt for you,"

"I said I'm not hungry Ben!"

Suddenly I was standing, tension hung thick and heavy between us.

"I'm not letting you do this."

"What?" I spat out.

He shook his head, not elaborating as if I knew exactly what he meant.

"Eat Carrie."

I growled and his lip pulled up slightly as he snarled back at me.

With one flying leap, lunged at him. My fists beat against his chest and he caught my waist.

Growls ripped through the peace as we tumbled to the floor. It was a rushing heated blur. One moment I was straddling his waist and snarling as he caught my wrists and I tried to punch at his face.

Then Suddenly I was on my back. He pinned my wrists above my head and leaned down toward me. 

I arched toward him and growled.  Our eyes locked, he growled right back at me.

Our lips brushed and suddenly my breath came short. I settled back into the ground. His weight kept me pinned to the floor as I panted below him.

Ben's breathing had quickened,  his eyes had darkened. Electricity charged between our bodies. The atmosphere around us completely changed. A tense silence hung around our space in hot waves. Ben's eyes searched mine. 

"You gonna jump me every time I ask you to do something?" He asked,  sounding angry and breathy at the same time.

He stared down at me and my eyes pierced his.

"Screw you, Ben," I whisper, he watched me in silence and I feel completely transparent under his gaze.

The heat around us was ridiculous, the tension was so heavy it was almost tangible. My entire body was humming, electricity stung my skin where his fingers clasped my wrists. My wolf was completely silent, and for some reason that made it worse.

"You're fucking impossible Carrie Stewart."

My eyes widened and I stared up at him, my reply hot on my tongue. But he cut me off before I could voice it.

"You're going to eat Carrie."

It was an order. And I hated him for it.

BEN'S POV!!!!!!!!

She looked better after she ate. Her cheeks had more colour, she looked tired but stronger. Not that her pride would let her admit it.

I could feel her emotions hanging around her in a thick cloud, her torment a constant twisting knife in the gut. She was angry at me for forcing her to eat, but I couldn't bring myself to care about that particular detail.

It was her guilt and denial that ate me. I could feel her burning herself with guilt, guilt for wanting for what she wanted. She stayed a safe distance away from me, avoiding eye contact by gazing at the weakening fire.

"There's no changing your mind is there?"

I looked up at her in surprise, we had been silent for so long.

"No. No, I've made up my mind." I replied, watching her as she nodded, her eyes still on the fire.

I  waited for her to bite back. But she stayed quiet, her silence washed dread and worry over my body like a wave. This wasn't like her. It went against Carrie's entire being to quit in combat. And she and  I were constantly in our own form of combat.

I watched as something flickered across her face. Then I felt it, I could practically see it, her walls coming up again. I was cut off from her emotions, and her face became a neutral guarded plane. Her silence was absolutely deafening, and I was tempted to grab her and shake her.

"Carrie," I whispered, pained, having no idea what to say.

"Goodnight Ben." She stated softly, then she sunk away quietly to sleep.

My wolf stirred and I paced in agitation about the little clearing, while she fell into a tense rest. I couldn't help my constant glances at her curled up form.

Blood rushed furiously around my body as I ached to protect her, to keep her warm. Finally, I calmed, only just quieting my wolf by settling a few meters away from her sleeping body. I didn't sleep, my whole body mourned our connection.

Our link was finally closed.

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