Talks and Tension

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The alpha gave us no time to talk, he had Dante uncuffed and the wolf who had brought us in, lead him and Ben away. Then he sent Megan back to her room, and I turned to follow her.

"I've been alive a long time Carrie."

I froze in the doorway and looked back at him.

"In that time, I've made a small observation."

I smiled politely, "is this small observation your tiny brain capacity?"

The alpha grinned easily at my insult.
"No, it's the protectiveness of a male over his mate."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a slow sarcastic clap. "How generous of you."
The alpha smiled and shook his head.

"Clap all you want Carrie, the fact remains, you're the one that strangled me, not Ben. "

My hands tightened against the doorframe, "what's your point?"

He raised an eyebrow, "your sister's fiance wasn't passionate enough to attack me for her, but he put a bomb in his neck the minute you were at risk."

The alpha grinned and pretended to contemplate his own words. Then his eyes bit into mine and he grinned.

"Strange, don't you think."

I growled, "I really don't see your point."

He grinned and leaned back in his chair. "Does she know yet?"

My snarl ripped through the air and I flew to his desk, slamming my palms down on the flat surface in front of him.

He looked down at my hands, then his eyes met mine, lazily waiting for me to speak.

"Enough cryptic bullshit. You got what you wanted to be didn't you?"

The alpha nodded slowly. "I have one question."

My lips pulled over my teeth. My eyes blazing with hate.

"How much are you willing to hurt yourself for a sister who wouldn't do the same?"

I stumbled back, muttering, "you're just a psychopath, you don't know anything. You're, you're a psychopath."

The alpha just smiled, something like sympathy dancing in his eyes. Then, I turned and walked out, heading for the room they had given Megan.


The plain cream room had a small bed and a tiny adjoining bathroom. Not terrible, definitely not exquisite.

As soon as I walked into the room she started whining.

"How could you do this? Now Ben is going and I'll be stuck at home. We have a wedding! A wedding Carrie!"

My head throbbed as she went on and on, having no idea how tired I was after the intense rollercoaster up and down the stress of finding the Valderian, finding her, putting a bomb in my neck, resisting her finance for hours on end and the alpha's little chat.

I was drained. And all for her, it was all for her.

"I am sorry." I croaked, massaging my temples.

"Sorry? Carrie, I can't just," Her whining continued and eventually I pushed past her into the bathroom and shut the door.

Hot water poured over my body as I showered and when I came back out Megan began it all over again.

"We weren't finished, you have to try to realize that we have a wedding, and,"

God, her voice felt like nails scraping against my brain. I changed into the crispy cotton pyjamas the pack had supplied us with, and she was still going.

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