Convos and Camping

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Bonolo helps us set up camp as she explained what had happened. Rent, his guards, and Dante had tracked us as far as they could before she had teleported to their rescue, bringing a plan in the form of volant sweets.

They had argued for at least ten minutes on who should actually use a Valant sweet and get into the cave to save Ben and me until eventually,

Dante won Ching Chong Cha. Rent was still not thrilled that he didn't get to go, and muttered about how he was probably a better flyer.

Once the fire was made, and the camp was settled, Bonolo and I walked a little away from the others to talk.

"I can't thank you enough Bonolo, I don't really know why it is you're helping us. But I'm so glad you are."

Bonolo's beautiful dimpled face warmed into a smile.

"It's my pleasure, Carrie. I am happy you are safe."

I gripped her hand, "this isn't the first time you've saved my life Bonolo. Please, tell me why you're doing this."

She sighed and met my gaze.

"I am a seer. I know what is to come. You are far more important than you think, and you're in far more danger than you think. That's why I am helping you, Carrie. That's all I can say."

I sighed and looked back at the camp.

"What about the boys? Will they be safe?"

Bonolo looked back at the boys.

"The future of those boys, are far safer than yours."

I let out a slight breath of relief. But bonolo shook her head.

"But neither of them will leave your side, Carrie. Which means, "

I let out a low growl, "which means, they're both in as much danger as I am."

Bonolo nodded and I suddenly felt incredibly sick.

"Okay, let's deal with one thing at a time. Firstly, how do we make a duplicate of the stone cup?"
Bonolo chewed her bottom lip.

"Once we get it, and I know what it looks like, I can use a cover spell and create a duplicate for you."

I looked up at her, "are you serious?"
She smiled,

"You'll have to find a way to keep Rent out of it. And then hope it fools the alpha for long enough so that you can destroy the real cup."

I nodded, "the boys and I will figure that part out.'

We fell silent and we looked out at the pine trees.

"Is your brother okay? The fairy queen didn't catch him?"

She shook her head, "no, she didn't realize that he was involved. He's fine."

I nodded, "thank him for me. Please. If I don't get the chance."

Bonolo glanced at me.

"If we get caught trying to fool this alpha, neither of us will get the chance to thank him."

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