15. The truth about muggles

Start from the beginning

"You use my first name all the time. I understand if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Never mind." I look down and he rests a hand on my shoulder.

"It's just nice hearing my name in a way that's friendly. I wasn't expecting it either. A nice surprise. You should do that more often."

"You mean it?"

"Of course. Just don't breathe a word of this conversation to anyone, not even Granger."

"No problem." I look up at him and grin. He gives a weak smile in return and I look around the room we're in. "So this is where it happened?"

"She... I found her over there."

He points to a spot about a metre from the doorway and I pull out my wand. He gives me a stern look.

"You're not in school. The trace will detect you and people will know we're here."

"I wasn't born in this time. I was born in the future. Remember? The trace shouldn't detect me. I'm also a muggle, so that helps."

"Of course."

I roll my eyes and wave my wand. A wreath of lilies now sits on the floor, in the exact spot she died. I cast a charm that I learnt earlier so that the lilies don't die or anything, and they'll lay there undisturbed.

"It's... Lovely." His voice cracks and we stand there in silence for a minute. He's probably thinking that night over in his head.

I decide to break the silence.

"If her spirit is here then it should meet us at the graveyard. Let's go, I didn't talk to Professor Sprout for nothing."

Severus nods and I lead him towards the graveyard. It's still daytime so we try not to look suspicious, since muggles live here as well. We get to the grave and I pull a bag from my robes.

"I brought lilies. Do you want to plant them for her?"

"The muggle way?"



He's silent while we plant. I think this trip will help him heal, though. Already he's softened up a bit around me. Once we finish we stand back and admire our work. Just beside the grave lilies sprout everywhere and it's just beautiful. Once again there is a peaceful silence.

"We'd best be going." Says Snape. "Albus might begin to wonder. Or another teacher. Even students."

"So the story is that you took me on a trip to show me where to get common potions ingredients."

"Good. It's a likely story, so people will believe it. Hopefully."

I take his arm and he apparates us to Hogsmeade, then we floo to Hogwarts. Dumbledore is waiting for us.

"I trust it went well?"

"I'm not even going to bother asking how you know." I sigh.

Snape gives a small wave and departs, probably to cover for our absence.

"May I speak with you in my office, Isabelle?"

He leads me to his office and sits me down. Hazel is also there.

"Hazel came to me asking about muggles doing magic. Have you been wondering the same lately?"

"Yeah, I meant to come to you earlier."

"Good thing I brought it up!" Pipes up Hazel, who's smile goes from ear to ear.

"So I'm going to tell you how you are able to learn here. Your wands are unique. They have not one core, but two. You see, muggles aren't completely without magic, they just have so little of it that it's considered to be nonexistent. The second cores in your wands help strengthen your magical ability, making you equal to other wizards and witches. Do you understand?"

"Yes." We say. Wow, that's pretty cool.

I have magical abilities!

"Of course, you and Hazel will not be permitted to tell anyone apart from the person you have chosen to save."

"Thank you, sir." Says Hazel.

"Your welcome, now off you go, the trio will want one of you tagging along tonight. I have a fake ministry call to attend to now, so that Quirrel makes his move tonight."

We nod and exit.

"We should do one end of year adventure each." Says Hazel.

"You can do this year. I'll do next, and you can go and defend Sirius in third year. We have to sit fourth out, we'll both go on fifth, because that's your time to save a life, I'll be in sixth, and we'll both be doing the final battle thing."

"Sounds like a good plan." She nods. "Well, I'll see you later, gotta talk to the trio so they'll let me join them."

"Good luck!"


No time to write an authors note.

QOTC: opinion of Snape?


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