Chapter 35

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'Whenever the clouds of pain and sadness loomed,

Whenever tears came till the eyelashes,

Whenever this lonely heart got scared,

I told my heart, Oh Heart, why do you cry?

This is what happens in this world…

This deep silence…the world has distributed it to everyone,

Some sadness is a part of everyone’s life,

Some sunshine is a part of everyone’s life,

Your eyes are wet without any reason,

Every second is a new season, 

Why do you let go of such priceless moments?

Oh Heart, why do you cry?' - Anonymous

Chapter Thirty Five

Before I even get to complete my statement, he crashes his lips to mine abruptly. He lunges at me, pushing me against the nearest walls of the isolated street. I’m taken completely off guard as he snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me near him. His free hand grabs a hold of my hair and pulls it down gently to bring my face up to meet his. His assault on my lips is almost painful as if he is desperate to do.. whatever we are doing right now. He sits my clothes bag on the ground and pulls my hands on his heaving chest.

I feel his tongue try to pry in my mouth and my mouth opens automatically, giving him all the access that he needs. His kiss is demanding, his tongue and lips coaxing mine. I moan his name again and again, and my tongue tentatively meets his.

Even though I would be highly embarrassed to be admitting to this, but I know I wanted to kiss him as much as he wants to right now. I’m completely aware of my rush of feelings for him and even though, it scares the hell out of me, I’m ready to be his anything. I have no clue what he feels for me but I’m completely in awe of him even though he discards me off, humiliates me or even fights with me. It is because he holds this certain loose string to my heart which only he can ignite and once he does that, every flame inside me burns.

He is my husband; I was already his when I said ‘I do’ so I allow him to take charge of me which he happily does.

He removes his hand from my hair and places it at the back of my neck making our kiss deeper than it already is.

I pull back after what seems like eons. He rests his forehead against mine and both of us start breathing heavily. Our breaths mix and I’m sure, our heartbeats are syncing too. Before he allows me to speak anything, his lips crawl over my neck and starts nibbling the sensitive area under my earlobe. My hands make their way in his hair and I pull it lightly.

As I drown in this drug called Liam Payne, his harsh words about marriage come back to haunt me at the worst possible timing. His concept of marriage traumatizes me and it did hurt my feelings when he said he was just tolerating me. If this is what he feels about marriage and about me, then what is it that we are even doing right now? Does he consider me one of those women he was with before? I do consider him more, definitely more than just my ‘forced husband’ but what if he doesn’t feel anything about me at all? I can’t let him do anything without even knowing what he feels about me.

“Liam, stop.” I try to speak but my words tremble out to be more husky than normal. He doesn’t stop, instead his lips drop kisses over my collarbone making me moan when I should be making as much distance between us as possible.

“Liam please stop.” I speak again, desperate this time. He pulls back almost immediately. His hands still remain around my waist and he leans his head, resting his forehead against mine.

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