Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

As we reach the airport, I can barely think straight. My thoughts are hardly connected and I can't even focus on everything around me. As we enter the plane, the atmosphere shifts considerably. The journey from the island to the airport was mostly in silence. I guess both of us had no idea what to say to each other, and maybe, we both knew what the other was thinking. I know he is freaked out; the terrible trance he was in all journey just proved that. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him what I felt. Maybe he is so freaked out that he may not even talk to me anymore. Maybe I am the biggest fool there ever existed.

There are so many things I have to ask him, so many questions that need to be answered right away. The curiosity inside me is peaking at the highest altitude and I sometimes worry what my nosy nature will land me in. But nevertheless, he is my husband and technically I should be having all the answers.

This honeymoon wasn’t like how Vanessa planned it to be or how I imagined it to be. It turned out to be more uncertain than anything else. But then again, deep inside my heart, I am glad we didn’t turn it down. Its past three weeks and now we are on our way back to Chicago. It definitely seems much longer, I can’t even recollect the flash of moments the last day there even though it was my wedding and that memory seems to be months back.

A new life waits for me back home, a status not of a single, independent woman but a married, in love woman hails for me. I somewhere have seemed to be attached to this title because it is who I am going to be now. For as long as I am Mrs. Tiara Williams Payne.

Liam gestures me to take the seat next to him and our eyes meet. It is the first time ever since we pulled back at the island and since then all we are trying to do is avoid as much as contact as we possibly can. He takes my handbag quietly and places it on the luggage carrier above us. I push him slightly and run my way towards the window seat. There is no way I can give my window seat to anyone else, just not.

He notices my kiddish behavior but doesn’t say anything. Instead he waits for me till I am completely settled and then sits next to me.

It is so awkward between us that I doubt the other passengers can’t see the tension mounting. My erratic heartbeat and pulsing breath only gives away how I involuntarily react in his proximity. I want him to say something, anything. But he just takes the magazine from the pouch in the front and starts reading it, as if I am not here at all.

I lean my forehead against the cool window glass, observing the dark sky outside. It’s already past nine I suppose and I can already see the lights which illuminate the beautiful town of Fiji. This small yet beautiful island gave me so much to cherish for almost a month. As I start going through the different days of our honeymoon, I mentally think about Roger and Lisa. Where must they be right now? Are they still here or left? I remember him telling me about his photographic skills and I don’t know whether he will send in his résumé or not. My mind reels the memory of Zayn and how we parted our ways. How we were completely drunk and the last thing I remember was that he had to leave since he wasn’t even conscious of himself.

I feel a jerk and I realize the flight has started moving. The indicator for the seatbelt turns on and I pull the strap, making it tight. I look over at Liam and catch him staring at me. He quickly looks away, a blush creeping on his bearded cheeks. He looks embarrassed and I smile to myself.

The wish to talk to him, to listen to him is more than ever before. What can I do to talk to him? It’s like a small lump has settled in my neck, making its way out, trying to make me speak something, anything.

“Long how the flight?” I blurt out.

“What?” he asks.

“No, I mean, sorry, I mean. Umm,” I scratch my eyebrow and close my eyes, trying to pull together some words which seem to have flown away, “How long is the flight?” I finally ask.

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